
Welcome to the ultimate guide for the Minstrel’s Ballad: Tsukuyomi’s Pain, which is the latest extreme primal trial added in Patch 4.3 of Final Fantasy XIV: Under the Moonlight. In this guide, we will walk you through the strategies and mechanics of this challenging trial, so that you can emerge victorious. My name is Mystik, and I will be your guide to defeating Tsukuyomi.

Reprimand and Nightfall

The fight begins with a reprimand, which is a raid-wide AOE blast that requires healing. It is similar to normal mode, so it should be easy to handle. Next, we face our first nightfall attack. In extreme mode, this attack has two possible variations, and there are no telegraphs to indicate which one Tsukuyomi will use. Instead, players must predict the attack by observing the type of weapon the boss forms.

If Tsukuyomi forms a staff, players need to position themselves for the “Steel of the Underworld” attack. This attack targets a tank, a damage dealer, and a healer in that order. Getting hit by more than one of these attacks can be fatal, so it’s crucial to spread out the damage. To handle this, both tanks should stand in front of the boss, all damage dealers should be on one flank, and both healers should be on the other flank.

If Tsukuyomi pulls out a gun, all players need to stack or line up for the “Led of the Underworld” attack to share the damage. The boss will cast nightfall twice in a row, with the first attack being random and the second being the other option.

Add Phase

After the nightfall attacks, healers must heal through another reprimand cast immediately. Tsukuyomi will then move to the center and cast “Night Bloom,” which will deal raid-wide damage, stun all players for 15 seconds, and transition the fight into the add phase. This phase is essentially the same as normal mode. Players must quickly dispose of each wave of adds before the suffering meter reaches 100.

When the Specter of Xenos spawns, players will be knocked back and stunned for another 10 seconds. Healers must ensure that the raid is topped off after each dispersive itty blast, while other players focus on destroying the adds as quickly as possible. Once all of the adds are defeated, players must heal through the night bloom ultimate and prepare for the next phase.

Mid Phase Reset

At this point, Tsukuyomi’s HP will reset, and tanks must be ready to grab aggro as soon as she becomes active again. This phase begins with “Supreme Celino Mantis,” which divides the platform into two sections: White Moonlight and Dark Twilight. Each player will receive a four-stack debuff of either “Lindt” or “Moon Shadowed.”

Having a five-stack of debuffs will afflict players with “Bleed Doom,” resulting in certain death. To reset the debuff stacks, players must move to the opposite platform instantly. Moonlight orbs will also spawn on one side of the platform, covering the area with a large lunar halo AoE. Players who need to refresh their stacks must stand under the orbs to avoid the attack. Meanwhile, the platform’s colors will alternate, with one growing and eventually eclipsing the other.

Balancing Debuff Stacks

The difficulty of this phase lies in balancing the debuff stacks and resetting them at the right time to ensure survival. When there is only one color on the platform, players may feel overwhelmed. However, the debuff ticks and incoming mechanics align perfectly, allowing for a smooth progression. Let’s break it down step by step:

  1. Reset initial four-stack debuff and dodge lunar halo explosions.

  2. Tank pulls the boss to the edge of the small color Crescent, allowing players to step into either color to reset their debuffs while maintaining uptime on the boss.

  3. Tsukuyomi casts “Nightfall” (followed by “Led of the Underworld” in this first moon phase) and marked players must stack behind or in front of the boss to share the damage.

  4. One healer, one damage dealer, and the off tank will be marked for a meteor drop. Meteors must be dropped far enough apart to avoid explosive damage.

  5. Meteors explode into massive AoE circles, and all players must control their positioning to dodge explosions and ensure safety.

  6. Once each meteor explodes, it leaves behind a puddle of the same color. Players must run into the corresponding puddle to refresh their debuff stacks.

  7. Tsukuyomi either casts “Para Lune” (full moon) or “AnT Twilight” (new moon), dealing raid-wide damage, removing debuffs, and resetting the platform.

Final Phase: Dance of the Dead

As the battle progresses, players must be alert to the type of moonlight infusion Tsukuyomi receives. The infusion determines the type of accompanying blade attack. Full moon will cast a point-blank AoE attack, while a new moon will cast a massive donut attack. Players must dodge these attacks accordingly.

Additionally, Tsukuyomi will cast either “Bright Blade” or “Dark Blade” immediately after. Players must move to the appropriate side to avoid the cleave. This movement must be coordinated with dodging the moonlight attacks.

Other mechanics in this phase include mirror images, dancing fans, and stacking for Lunacy. Players should always pay attention to their surroundings and adapt to the boss’s attacks accordingly.


Congratulations! You have now learned how to overcome the extreme trial of Tsukuyomi in Final Fantasy XIV. This guide has provided a step-by-step breakdown of each phase, highlighted key mechanics, and offered strategies to ensure success. Remember to practice and communicate with your team to master this challenging trial. Good luck adventurers, and may you emerge victorious under the moonlight!