In the world of Final Fantasy 14, a brand new extreme primal has been made available with patch 4.3: the Minstrel’s Ballad - Tsukuyomi’s Pain. This guide will walk you through the trial known as “Under the Moonlight” and provide expert strategies to help you achieve victory.

Overview of the Trial

Similar to the normal mode, the trial begins with a raid-wide AOE blast called “Reprimand,” which should be healed through. The first major challenge in the extreme mode is the nightfall attack. Unlike the normal mode, there are no telegraphs for this attack. Instead, players must predict the incoming attack based on the type of weapon the boss forms. If she forms a staff, players need to position themselves for “Steel of the Underworld,” which targets a tank, damage dealer, and healer in that order. It is crucial to avoid getting hit by more than one of these to prevent death.

If the boss pulls out a gun, players will need to stack or line up for “Led of the Underworld” to share the incoming damage. The boss will cast nightfall twice in a row, with the first attack being random and the second being the other option.

After healing through another reprimand immediately after, the boss will move into the center and cast “Night Bloom,” which deals raid-wide damage, stuns all players for 15 seconds, and transitions the fight into the add phase. This phase is essentially identical to the normal mode, where players must quickly dispose of each wave of adds before the suffering meter reaches 100.

Once the Specter of Xenos spawns, players will be knocked back and stunned for another 10 seconds. Healers must top off the raid after each dispersive itty blast, while the rest of the group works together to destroy the adds as quickly as possible. Once all the adds are defeated, players must heal through the Night Bloom ultimate and prepare for the next phase.

Phase 2: Supreme Celino Manci

During this phase, the platform is divided into two sections: White Moonlight and Dark Twilight. All players will receive a four-stack of either Lindt or Moon Shadowed debuffs, and having a five-stack will result in inevitable death. Players must move to the opposite platform to refresh their stacks and dodge the lunar halo AOE attacks.

Moonlight orbs will spawn on one side of the platform, covering the area with a large lunar halo donut AOE. Players who need this sight to refresh their stacks must stand under the orbs to avoid the attack. The color of the platform will change, with one color growing and eventually eclipsing the other.

To balance debuff stacks and survive, players must carefully reset their stacks at the proper times. This can be achieved by resetting the initial four-stack and stepping into either color to reset the debuff while maintaining uptime on the boss. The boss will then cast nightfall, followed by lead of the underworld. Players must stack behind or in front of the boss, depending on the debuff color.

After the off-tank, healer, and damage dealer are marked for a meteor, they must drop them in specific locations to avoid high damage and damage down debuffs. Meteor placements are relative to the boss, and players should follow specific flanks to ensure proper stack resets. It is crucial to have at least one meteor dropped in the small color area to facilitate debuff resets.

Large AOEs will form on the ground, indicating meteors dropping. All players must collapse into the safe zone within the small color crescent to avoid getting hit. Once the meteors explode, players can quickly make their way to the meteor puddle to refresh their stacks. The boss will cast either anti-twilight or para-loon, dealing raid-wide damage and resetting the platform.

Phase 3: Dance of the Dead

The third phase begins with the boss casting “Dance of the Dead,” signaling the final phase change. Players must be alert to the boss’s infusion of either a full moon or a new moon. Full moon signifies a point-blank AOE attack, while new moon signifies a massive donut AOE attack.

The boss will then cast either “Bright Blade” or “Dark Blade.” Players must move to the appropriate side to avoid these massive cleave attacks. Players must also dodge the full or new moon attacks while moving to dodge the blades.

Next, healers must heal through another reprimand and prepare for the set of dancing fans, which form a circle pattern. Players must stand in the designated safe zone and move to the center to dodge the explosions. The boss will be infused with another full moon, and players must stay out of melee range.

Lastly, the boss will cast “Lunacy,” targeting a player to stack up. Players should run to the designated area and remain stacked for the rest of the Lunacy hits. Another blade attack follows, and players must move accordingly to dodge it.

By following these expert strategies and staying aware of the boss’s attacks, you can overcome the challenges of the Minstrel’s Ballad - Tsukuyomi’s Pain and emerge victorious. Good luck on your journey through Final Fantasy 14’s Under the Moonlight trial!

Note: The information in this article is based on the video guide by MTQcapture on YouTube.