
In the world of collectible toys, there are a few characters that hold a special place in the hearts of fans. One such franchise is Pokemon, and in this review, we’ll be taking a closer look at Tomy’s titan figures for Kyogre and Groudon. These legendary Pokemon figures, made of vinyl, have become quite rare and sought-after in recent years. Despite their limited articulation, they make a bold statement with their size and attention to detail. So, let’s dive into the review and determine whether these figures are worth adding to your collection.

Sculpt and Paint of Groudon:

Let’s begin with Groudon, the powerful Ground-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. One of the first things that catch your attention is Groudon’s imposing and accurate posture, staying true to its 3D model and appearance in the games. However, upon closer inspection, you might notice some minor flaws. For instance, there is a noticeable seam across the belly, which is not ideal for a figure of this caliber. Additionally, there are some cleanliness issues with the spikes and black paint, but these are more noticeable when viewed up close. Overall, the sculpting of Groudon is commendable, with intricate details capturing the essence of the character.

Sculpt and Paint of Kyogre:

Moving on to Kyogre, the majestic Water-type Pokemon, the sculpt and paint quality is a bit more disappointing. While Kyogre appears solid from a distance, there are noticeable paint flaws throughout the figure. Paint bleed is evident around the eyes and on the underbelly, indicating some careless craftsmanship during production. There are also scratches on the flippers, which come separate in the package and need to be attached. The lines meant to represent ancient panel lining appear misaligned and blotchy, detracting from the overall aesthetic. Similar to Groudon, the white paint on Kyogre’s fingertips also suffers from blotchiness. The sculpting, however, remains impressive and captures the grandeur of the Pokemon.


Both Groudon and Kyogre have limited articulation. Groudon features a swivel at the neck that allows for head movement, as well as swivel joints on the arms. Unfortunately, there is no articulation in the tail, despite its appearance. Kyogre, on the other hand, comes with swivel features on the two flippers, allowing for some movement, but one of the hinges may be loose, affecting its poseability. The tail fins are also on swivels, enabling some adjustment. While the articulation is basic, it allows for minor pose variations.

Size Comparison and Overall Impression:

When it comes to size, both figures are undeniably large, making them stand out on any display shelf. While they may not be perfectly scaled to other figures in your collection, they still lend a certain charm and presence to any Pokemon lineup. However, if you were considering pairing them with the gigantic series Rayquaza figure from x+, keep in mind that they won’t be in scale with each other.

Price and Realistic Expectations:

Given that these figures are no longer in production, finding them may require searching platforms like eBay. The prices for these figures have skyrocketed in the aftermarket, making them a significant investment. Quality control issues, such as paint flaws and misalignments, have been reported, but these figures are unlikely to receive another release anytime soon. Despite their imperfections, fans of Groudon and Kyogre might still find them worth adding to their collection due to their unique size and limited availability.


In conclusion, Tomy’s titan figures for Kyogre and Groudon may not be flawless in terms of their paint applications and overall quality control. However, for die-hard collectors and fans of these legendary Pokemon, they possess a certain charm and appeal. The attention to detail in the sculptures is commendable, capturing the essence of these iconic characters. If you can overlook some minor imperfections and are willing to pay the steep aftermarket prices, then these figures might be a valuable addition to your Pokemon collection.

Remember to do your research and consider the condition of the figures before purchasing. Whether you choose to acquire them or wait for a potential deal, the decision ultimately rests on your appreciation for these larger-than-life representations of Groudon and Kyogre.

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