
TFT Set 9 is revolutionizing the game with the introduction of portals, legends, and augments. This means that the game is no longer predictable, and players will need to adapt and learn new strategies to succeed. In this article, we will explore the key changes in Set 9 and discuss how to approach the game with a newfound focus on principles rather than relying on memorization.

The Evolution of TFT: From Templates to Creativity

In previous sets, TFT was a game where players could rely on templates and guides to easily navigate their way to success. Fundamentals were often overlooked, and players sought an easy way out through instruction manuals. However, Set 9 is here to challenge this approach. With the introduction of portals, legends, and augments, each game becomes unique, and it is no longer possible to rely on memorized strategies.

Embracing Change: The Rise of Principles

In Set 2, players could easily level up by following a guide based on the best players’ strategies. However, in Set 9, the best way to improve is to use your own brain and creativity. Memorizing stats and following predetermined strategies won’t be as effective with the diverse range of mechanics and portals available. Instead, it is crucial to embrace principles and adapt in real-time to each game’s unique circumstances.

Portals and Their Impact on the Game

Portals play a significant role in Set 9, offering different challenges and opportunities. For example, the “Still Water Hold” portal removes augments from the game, requiring players to rethink their strategies. Each portal presents new questions to consider: What are the best comps in this scenario? Can you still force a losing streak? Should you level up at a specific stage? With 30 portals to navigate, each game feels like a different experience.

The Limitations of Stat Checking

In the past, players could rely on stat checking to make informed decisions. However, with the introduction of augments and the abundance of portals, relying solely on statistics won’t give you an accurate picture of the game. The sample sizes become too small to rely on, and the absence of Legend data further complicates the process.

Embracing Knowledge and Experience

As stat checking becomes less reliable, focusing on actual mechanics and using your own brain becomes crucial. Learning through experience and playing by feel can be much more effective than relying on statistics. Top players in the game often go by their own experiences rather than relying on limited data.

Applying Principles: Learning to Think Actively

To truly excel in Set 9, it is essential to forget general advice and start thinking actively. After learning the basics, such as leveling and good team compositions, it’s crucial to analyze your specific circumstances and make in-game judgments. Applying your knowledge and adapting to individual situations will give you an edge over players who rely on copying others’ strategies.

Understanding Compositions: Damage and Tankiness

To navigate the ever-changing game, understanding the basics of each team composition is crucial. The two main factors to consider are damage and tankiness. Damage can be divided into various categories, including AD, AP, attack speed, critical strike chance, resistance shred, anti-heal, and damage amplification. Tankiness, on the other hand, encompasses health, resistances, healing, anti-damage, and debuffs.

How to Obtain Conditions: Traits, Abilities, and More

To fulfill the conditions required for a successful team composition, players can rely on traits, champion abilities, stats, augments, portals, and items. Depending on the team composition and circumstances, different conditions will take priority. For instance, having access to more items through portals can make it easier to meet certain conditions. Understanding how these factors interact will help you make informed decisions in each game.

In-Game Decision Making: Building Items and Adapting

In each game, players are faced with decisions about item building and adapting their strategy. Should you build a Rabidon’s Deathcap or an Archangel Staff for AP? The answer depends on the specific circumstances. Some compositions thrive on quick bursts of damage, making the Deathcap a better choice. Others prioritize scaling over time, making the Archangel Staff more suitable. Each decision should be based on the specific needs of your team composition in that game.

The Importance of Active Thinking and Adaptation

To succeed in Set 9, it is crucial to prioritize active thinking and adaptation over traditional approaches. Instead of relying on guides and stats, embrace your own experiences and make informed decisions based on the specific circumstances of your game. This shift in mindset will give you a competitive edge and allow you to navigate the ever-changing world of TFT more effectively.


TFT Set 9 brings exciting changes to the game with the introduction of portals, legends, and augments. To succeed in this challenging environment, players must abandon traditional approaches and embrace active thinking and adaptation. By understanding the basics of team compositions, recognizing conditions, and applying principles, players can navigate the game more effectively and strive for success. So, dive into TFT Set 9 with an open mind and a readiness to adapt – new and exciting possibilities await!