Teamfight Tactics (TFT) has become one of the most popular auto battler games in recent years. The game involves strategically building a team of champions and battling against other players to be the last one standing. One champion that has been causing quite a stir in the TFT community is Yorick. In this article, we will delve into why Yorick is considered to be a little too strong and how it impacts the game.

The Strength of Yorick

Yorick is a champion with very high base stats and excellent abilities that make him a formidable force on the battlefield. His ultimate ability, “Summon Maiden of the Mist,” summons a powerful ghostly maiden that assists Yorick in battle. This ability alone can quickly turn the tide of a fight and make Yorick a force to be reckoned with.

The Meta Game

In TFT, the meta game refers to the most optimal strategies and compositions that players use to achieve victory. The strength of Yorick has had a significant impact on the meta game, as many players have started incorporating him into their teams. His high damage output, combined with his ability to summon additional units, makes him a top-tier champion.

The Rise of Yorick

Many players have expressed their frustration with Yorick and his dominance in the game. Some argue that his power level is too high and that he needs to be balanced. However, others find the challenge of playing against Yorick an exciting opportunity to come up with new strategies and counter his strengths.

Strategies for Countering Yorick

While Yorick may be powerful, there are ways to counter his strengths and put up a fight. Here are a few strategies that players can employ:

  1. Ranged Champions: Yorick is a melee champion, which means that he has to get up close to deal damage. Having a team of ranged champions can help keep him at bay and minimize the damage he can deal.

  2. Burst Damage: Yorick relies on his ultimate ability to summon the Maiden of the Mist. If you can burst him down quickly before he can cast it, you can significantly reduce his effectiveness in battle.

  3. Crowd Control: Yorick is vulnerable to crowd control effects, such as stuns and silences. Utilizing champions with crowd control abilities can incapacitate him and prevent him from wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

The Impact of Yorick on the Game

Yorick’s strength has caused a shift in the meta game, with many players focusing on building teams around him. This has led to a slight imbalance in gameplay, as other champions and compositions are overshadowed by Yorick’s dominance. It is essential for the developers to address this issue and find a way to balance Yorick’s power without completely nerfing him.


Yorick’s strength in Teamfight Tactics is undeniable. His ability to summon additional units and deal high damage makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. However, his dominance in the meta game has caused some frustration among players. It is crucial for the developers to consider balancing his power level to ensure a more diverse and enjoyable gameplay experience for all players. While Yorick may be overpowered currently, there are strategies that players can employ to counter his strengths and stand a chance against him. Only time will tell how the developers will address this issue and create a more balanced gameplay environment for TFT.