Are you playing Rimworld and need to create specific zones for your animals? In this tutorial, we’ll show you an easy step-by-step process on how to create designated areas for your animals to prevent them from entering certain spaces, such as freezers. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to efficiently manage your animal zones and ensure the safety and organization of your base.

Creating an Animal Zone

To create an animal zone in Rimworld, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the architect menu by clicking on the architect icon on the top toolbar.
  2. Click on the “Zone” option in the architect menu.
  3. Under “Zone,” you’ll find the “Expand Allowed Area” button. Click on it to create new areas.
  4. A “Manage Area” window will appear. Click on “New Area” to create a new zone for your animals.
  5. Rename the new area according to your preference. For example, you can name it “Animals Not in Freezer.”
  6. Once you’ve named the area, click on “Expand Area” to select the desired location for your animals.
  7. In this case, you want to prevent your animals from entering the freezer. So, make sure to draw the expansion area excluding the freezer.
  8. To clear the area where the freezer is located, click on “Clear Allowed Area.”
  9. Congratulations! You have successfully created an animal zone where your animals can roam freely, except in the freezer.

Assigning Animals to the Zone

With the animal zone created, it’s time to assign your animals to the designated area. Follow these steps to assign animals:

  1. Exit the “Manage Area” window by clicking outside or selecting another menu option.
  2. Locate the animal you wish to assign to the animal zone. In this case, let’s use the example of a boomalope.
  3. Click on the desired animal and a small interface will appear.
  4. By default, Rimworld allows animals to go anywhere on the map. To change this, click on the spot in the interface where the assigned area is displayed.
  5. The current assigned area for the boomalope is called “Animals.” This is where the boomalope is allowed to go.
  6. If you want to change the assigned area for the boomalope to the newly created animal zone, click on the dropdown menu and select “Animals Not in Freezer.”
  7. Alternatively, you can assign the boomalope to another pre-existing area by selecting it from the dropdown menu.
  8. Once you’ve made your selection, the boomalope will be restricted to the chosen area, ensuring that it does not enter the freezer.


Congratulations! You now know how to create animal zones in Rimworld and assign animals to specific areas. By following this tutorial, you can effectively manage and control where your animals can and cannot go within your base. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask in the comments section or seek help on the forums. Enjoy playing Rimworld and have fun organizing your animal zones!

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