
Building a strong and competitive Pokemon team can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. It is important to understand the different roles that Pokemon can play on a team in order to create a balanced and effective lineup. In this article, we will explore the key concepts of team building, including the importance of roles, the types of teams seen in competitive play, and how offensive and defensive cores work.

Understanding Roles in Pokemon Teambuilding

When building a Pokemon team, each Pokemon should be chosen for one of three reasons: as a defensive check, to provide offensive presence or pressure, or to offer utility to the team. Defensive checks are Pokemon that excel at countering physical or special attackers, while offensive Pokemon are chosen for their ability to deal high damage. Utility Pokemon provide additional benefits such as hazard control or status infliction.

Defensive Roles

Defensive roles in a team include walls, which can be physical walls used to counter physical attackers or special walls used to counter special attackers. Mixed walls serve the purpose of countering both physical and special attackers. Additionally, there are Pokemon that absorb status conditions or have abilities like Magic Guard, which prevent them from being affected by status moves. Defensive pivots are Pokemon that specialize in easy swapping to maintain momentum for the team.

Offensive Roles

The offensive roles on a team consist of sweepers, which are Pokemon with high speed and attack stats that aim to knock out the opponent’s Pokemon before they can counterattack. Sweepers often utilize setup moves or speed-boosting items to maximize their attacking potential. Wall breakers, on the other hand, focus on hitting as hard as possible without the need to set up or rely on speed. Speed control Pokemon, such as Choice Scarfers or priority users, are also vital for maintaining offensive pressure and forcing opponent switches. Offensive pivots, like incentive or Choice Scarfed Landorus, are used to generate offensive pressure and facilitate strategic swapping.

Utility Roles

Utility roles add additional versatility and support to a team. Hazard control, including Stealth Rocks, spikes, webs, and toxic spikes, is crucial for controlling the battlefield, while rapid spinners and defoggers are necessary for removing hazards. Spin blockers, which are ghost types that counter rapid spinners, are also valuable additions. Status-inducing moves like Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Will-O-Wisp can provide valuable support, as well as wish-passing or healing moves for recovery. Clerics can heal statuses with moves like Aromatherapy, while stall breakers use moves like Taunt or Encore to disrupt enemy stall teams. Other utility moves include screen setters and phasers.

Role Compression: Balancing Roles on Your Team

While there are numerous roles and moves to consider when constructing a team, it is important to practice role compression. It is impossible to include every role or move on each Pokemon, so compromises must be made. For instance, choosing to include utility moves may require sacrificing offensive power. It is crucial to strike a balance and choose Pokemon that can fulfill multiple roles effectively.


Understanding the different roles that Pokemon can play on a team is essential for building a strong and competitive lineup. Balanced teams consist of defensive checks, offensive powerhouses, and utility providers. By practicing role compression and making strategic choices, you can create a cohesive team that can effectively handle different situations in competitive play. Stay tuned for future articles in this series to further explore team building strategies and delve into the intricacies of offensive and defensive cores, as well as weather strategies.