
In the world of Pokémon, there are many different types of Pokémon with unique strengths and weaknesses. One of the more recent additions to the Pokémon series is the Fairy type, which was introduced in Pokémon X and Y. Since their introduction, Fairy-type Pokémon have become a diverse and interesting group, ranging from delicate and magical creatures to powerful behemoths. In this article, we will be exploring every Fairy-type Pokémon, ranking them based on their strengths in battle. So, join us as we dive into the world of Fairy-type Pokémon and discover which ones are the weakest and which ones are the most powerful.

Weakest Fairy-Type Pokémon: Mawile

When it comes to Fairy-type Pokémon, looks can be deceiving. One Pokémon that embodies this saying is Mawile, the Deceiver Pokémon. With its sharp teeth and intimidating appearance, one would expect Mawile to be a formidable opponent. However, its stats cap out at a mere 380, making it one of the weakest Fairy-type Pokémon. While its base attack of 85 is its highest stat, it still falls short when compared to other Pokémon. Mawile’s Pokedex entries mention its ability to trick others before launching a successful attack. Unfortunately, this deceptive tactic doesn’t make up for its lack of power, earning it a spot at the bottom of our ranking.

The Illuminating Pokémon: Shiinotic Line

Next up in our ranking is the Shiinotic line, known as the Illuminating Pokémon. While the Shiinotic line may not be exclusive in terms of evolution, their prowess in battle is not their strong suit. The first Pokémon in this line, Morelull, has a total of 285 in stats, making it one of the weakest Pokémon out there. Even when it evolves into Shiinotic, its stats only reach a maximum of 405, with its special defense being its best stat at 100. Similar to Mawile, the Shiinotic line prefers using spores to cause their enemies to fall asleep rather than engaging in head-to-head battles.

The Aqua Rabbit Pokémon: Azumarill Line

Moving on to the Aqua Rabbit Pokémon, the Azumarill line, we find Azurill, the first Pokémon in this line, as one of the weakest Fairy-type Pokémon. With a pitiful maxed-out stat of 190, Azurill doesn’t hold up in terms of power. However, after it evolves into Marill, it gains a power boost, but even at its strongest, its stat ranking doesn’t exceed 420. Despite the Azumarill line’s ability to reduce damage from fire and ice type moves, it falls short in terms of overall strength.

The Antenna Pokémon: Dedenne

Dedenne, the Antenna Pokémon, may look like a cute fairy Pikachu clone, but its strength in battle is underwhelming. With a total stat of only 431, Dedenne’s only standout attribute is its decent speed. However, when it comes to overall strength among Fairy-type Pokémon, it falls short.

The Balloon Pokémon: Wigglytuff Line

The Wigglytuff line, known as the Balloon Pokémon, may have impressive singing prowess, but it isn’t particularly strong in battles. Igglybuff, the first Pokémon in this trio, only has a total stat of 210, outranking Azurill by a mere 20 points. Jigglypuff, on the other hand, has its highest stat in HP but lacks in attack and defense. Even with Wigglytuff’s added attack and special attack stats, it still doesn’t surpass 435 in total stats.

The Deceptive Duo: Snubbull and Granbull

The Snubbull and Granbull duo may give off an intimidating vibe with their grumpy expressions, but their strength in battle is lacking. Snubbull and Granbull have decent attack stats, but their defense and speed are lacking. With maximum stats reaching 450, Snubbull and Granbull find themselves lower in the ranking due to their lack of quickness and defense.

The Barrier Pokémon: Mr. Mime Line

The Mr. Mime line, known as the Barrier Pokémon, starts off with Mime Jr., one of the strongest baby Pokémon. With a maxed-out stat of 310, Mime Jr. surpasses other baby Pokémon in terms of strength. However, when it evolves into Mr. Mime, its attack and HP stats remain low, with maximum stats of 460. Known for creating walls out of thin air, Mr. Mime’s strongest stat is its special defense at 120. While it provides a decent shield in battle, it falls short in other areas, earning its spot in the ranking.

The Fragrance Pokémon: Aromatisse Line

Coming from the Kalos region, the Aromatisse line, known as the Fragrance Pokémon, is surprisingly tougher than it looks. With Spritzee and Aromatisse having large eyes resembling plague doctor masks, they may seem delicate, but their stats tell a different story. While Spritzee’s attacking abilities may not be impressive, its special defense and HP stats are decent for a first-stage Pokémon, with a maxed-out stat of 341. When Aromatisse evolves, its special attack receives a significant boost, making it a solid Fairy-type Pokémon. However, even at its strongest, its maximum stat only reaches 462.

The Bee Pokémon: Ribombee

Compared to previous entries, Ribombee, the Bee Pokémon, excels in speed. Its stats, aside from speed, may not be remarkable, with a total stat of 464. However, with the right moveset, Ribombee can utilize its speed and special attack power effectively, making it a valuable addition to a team.

The Key Ring Pokémon: Klefki

Klefki, the Key Ring Pokémon, is known for keeping its trainer’s keys safe. In battle, however, Klefki proves to be more than just a guardian of keys. With well-rounded stats that peak at a total of 470, including a strong defense stat of 91, Klefki can hold its own in battles.

The Disguise Pokémon: Mimikyu

Mimikyu, the Disguise Pokémon, is a beloved Pokémon in the series, despite its mysterious appearance beneath its homemade costume. In battle, Mimikyu proves its strength with decent attack, special defense, and speed stats. With a total stat of 476, Mimikyu’s ability, Disguise, further enhances its battle capabilities. However, once its disguise is broken, it needs to be healed to regain its full potential.

The Dog Pokémon: Dedenne and Granbull

One of the most popular evolutionary lines in the Alola region, the Dedenne and Granbull line is known for its ability to help wheat grow and the pleasant scent of freshly baked bread. While Furfrou may not excel in terms of stats, with a total stat of 312, Granbull is more impressive with a total of 477. With its ability, Well-Baked Body, Granbull becomes immune to fire-type moves and gains a boost to its defense stat. When used strategically, both Pokémon can prove their worth on the battlefield.

The Wind Veiled Pokémon: Whimsicott Line

The Whimsicott line, known as the Wind Veiled Pokémon, may not look like strong Fairy-type Pokémon at first glance, but appearances can be deceiving. Cottony, the first Pokémon in this line, may have low stats, but it evolves into Whimsicott, which boasts a total stat of 480. While Whimsicott’s speed is its standout attribute, its other stats are nothing to overlook, making it a formidable opponent in battles.


In conclusion, Fairy-type Pokémon come in various shapes and sizes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. From the deceiving Mawile to the powerful Whimsicott, Fairy-type Pokémon offer an interesting mix in battle. While some may lack in certain areas, others prove to be formidable opponents. Whether you are a fan of the delicate and magical Fairy types or prefer the true behemoths, there is a Fairy-type Pokémon for everyone. So, go out there and catch ’em all!