League of Legends has just released patch 13.16, and it comes with some major changes that will impact the solo queue meta. In this article, we will break down all the item changes, discuss their impact, and provide you with a complete update on the current state of the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this tier list will help you make informed decisions on which champions and items to prioritize in order to climb the ranks.

Let’s start by looking at the item changes in patch 13.16. One of the notable changes is to Axiomark, which has had its flat ultimate cooldown refund increased from 5 to 10 percent. This buff makes Axiomark a more viable option for assassins like Talon, Kiana, Nocturne, and Kayn. Another item, Serpent’s Fang, is receiving a buff to its lethality, going from 12 to 15. This adjustment will make Serpent’s Fang a stronger choice against teams with heavy shielding. Umbral Glaive is also getting a boost with an increase in its lethality from 10 to 13. This change aims to compensate for the nerf to Duskblade, as Umbral Glaive is often built by champions like Pyke and Senna.

Speaking of Duskblade, it is receiving a substantial nerf in patch 13.16. The item’s missing health damage from its passive is being lowered from 20 to 18 percent, and the cooldown on the passive is being increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. This nerf will significantly impact champions like Kiana, Kha’Zix, Zed, Aatrox, Rengar, and Hecarim, who heavily rely on Duskblade for their strength. As a result, we can expect to see a shift in the prioritization of lethality mythics for these assassins. Champions like Samira, who already perform well with other items like Eclipse, will not be as affected by the Duskblade nerf.

Moving on to the top lane, Wukong is receiving several buffs in patch 13.16. His mana regen growth is increasing, his Q and W mana costs are being reduced, and these adjustments will make Wukong a more viable pick in the top lane. Other than these changes, there are no significant updates that directly influence the top lane in this patch.

Now let’s dive into the tier list for patch 13.16. The top tier consists of three champions: Malphite, Camille, and Illaoi. These champions are considered the strongest in the current meta. Aatrox, previously in the S tier, will be dropping down due to the nerfs to Duskblade, which has been outperforming other mythics on Aatrox. However, it is still a strong pick overall. Fiora, Malphite, and Camille are the top lane champions that are frequently banned due to their presence and strength in the meta. To climb out of low ELO, consider adding champions like Malphite, Mundo, or Garen to your champion pool.

Moving onto the jungle, patch 13.16 brings some changes that will impact the jungle meta. Rek’Sai is receiving nerfs to her unburrowed Q damage, and Shyvana is seeing nerfs to her W damage and on-hit magic damage. These adjustments are targeting the early game strength of these champions, and while they may result in a slight power shift, they are not expected to push them out of the meta. As a result of these changes, we can expect to see a shift in the jungle tier list. Evelynn and Jarvan, previously just below Khan and Rek’Sai, will be moving up to the op tier. These champions have been performing well in recent patches and will benefit from the changes in this patch.

In the mid lane, several champions are receiving buffs in patch 13.16. Akali’s Q energy cost is being reduced, allowing her to cast it more frequently. This change is significant because it allows Akali to queue again as soon as her Q comes off cooldown, resulting in increased damage output. Silas is also getting a buff to his base mana, which will help with his mana issues in the early game. Finally, Sylas is receiving a simple buff to his base mana, which will alleviate some of his mana issues in the early game.

One of the most impactful changes in the mid lane is to Ahri, who has seen a surge in popularity as a mid laner in recent patches. Riot has decided to issue some adjustments to address her strength in the mid lane while preserving her power as a bot laner. Her base health is being reduced, magic resist is dropping, and armor is increasing, which will make her less aggressive early on. These adjustments will shift her from the S tier to the A tier.

In conclusion, patch 13.16 brings significant changes to the solo queue meta in League of Legends. The nerfs to Duskblade will impact champions heavily reliant on it, while buffs to various items and champions will shake up the tier list and potentially create new powerhouses. Whether you’re a top laner, jungler, or mid laner, it’s essential to adapt to these changes and make informed decisions on which champions and items to prioritize. Good luck on the Rift!

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