In this analysis, we will be delving into the gameplay of EG player because, who is currently ranked number one in North America. We will be specifically focusing on his exceptional performance as Morphling, where he has an impressive score of 18-1. We will also discuss his item build, strategies, and tips for dominating the game as Morphling.

Starting Items and Laning Phase

In terms of starting items, because opts for the typical two Tangoes, two Mangos, a Healing Salve, and a Healing Potion. This item build allows him to sustain in the lane and have enough Mana to use his abilities effectively. Additionally, he purchases a Stout Shield to boost his armor and block some incoming damage.

During the laning phase, because prioritizes last-hitting and denies to gain an advantage over his opponent, who is playing as a Death Prophet (DP). He understands the importance of cs, and with his superior skill, he is able to secure a significant lead in terms of net worth.

Ability Skill Build and Aggressive Play

For the skill build, because opts for a 1-1-1 distribution, leveling up Adaptive Strike, Waveform, and Attribute Shift equally. This allows him to have a balance between damage output, mobility, and survivability. It’s worth noting that leveling up Waveform defensively is not always necessary, as it has a long cooldown and Morphling’s high armor helps him survive in most situations.

Because takes advantage of DP’s weak animation and damage output to secure denies whenever possible. While DP may use Crypt Swarm to prevent denies, it’s often not enough to stop because from dominating the lane. He demonstrates exceptional skill in trading with the DP and outplaying his opponent.

Morphling’s Item Build and Sustain

One of the key items in because’s build is the Morbid Mask. This item allows him to sustain in the lane by healing up with lifesteal. With Morphling’s high attack speed and damage output, the Morbid Mask is a perfect fit for him.

Additionally, because utilizes his attributes shifting ability to constantly toggle between strength and agility to maximize his survivability and damage output. He strategically uses his wand charges and Tangos to stay at a comfortable HP range and heal up when necessary.

Dominating the Lane and Capitalizing on Opportunities

Throughout the laning phase, because continues to dominate the DP in terms of CS and denies. He takes advantage of DP’s siphon ability cooldown to get aggressive and deal damage without fear of retaliation. Additionally, because is aware of the threat posed by the enemy disruptor’s static storm ability, which is the spell that can potentially kill him.

As the game progresses, because shows great map awareness and decision-making. He predicts the enemy team’s movements and chooses the appropriate actions based on the situation. This includes knowing when to push, when to farm jungle camps, and when to join team fights.

Utilizing Morphling’s Abilities to Their Full Potential

One of the key highlights of because’s gameplay is his ability to use Morphling’s ultimate ability to turn into the enemy DP and steal her Spirit Siphon ability. This skill allows him to deal massive damage and sustain in fights for extended periods. It’s a unique feature of Morphling that not many players take advantage of, but because demonstrates its effectiveness.

Overall, because’s gameplay as Morphling showcases his exceptional skill and understanding of the hero. He maximizes Morphling’s strengths and capitalizes on the enemy’s weaknesses, resulting in a dominant performance. His item build, decision-making, and utilization of abilities make him a formidable force in the game.


In conclusion, because’s gameplay as Morphling is a testament to his skill and understanding of the hero. His exceptional CS and denies, strategic item builds, and precise decision-making allow him to dominate the game. Whether it’s controlling the laning phase, capitalizing on opportunities, or utilizing Morphling’s unique abilities, because demonstrates why he is ranked number one in North America.

If you’re looking to improve your Morphling gameplay and climb the ranks, studying because’s gameplay can provide valuable insights and strategies. Keep in mind the importance of laning, itemization, and map awareness to maximize your impact as Morphling. With practice and dedication, you too can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

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