
In the world of Final Fantasy XIV, minions are beloved companions that add charm and excitement to the gameplay. In this article, we will explore the process of obtaining and interacting with one of the most elusive minions in the game - the Meerkat Minion. Join us on this journey as we delve into the intricacies of acquiring this rare companion and learn how to maximize its potential.

Acquiring the Meerkat Minion

The Meerkat Minion can be obtained through exploratory missions with your free company’s submersible. Specifically, it is found in the newly introduced expedition called Vysya Vash, located on Cold Toe Island. The chances of acquiring this minion increase with the level of upgrades on your submersible, which can be done by investing time and resources into the mission.

The Rarity and Cost

The Meerkat Minion is considered an incredibly rare minion. As a result, it comes with a hefty price tag on the market boards. Prices for this coveted companion range from 13 to 15 million Gil, with some instances of it reaching a staggering 20 million Gil. For those who are unable to obtain it through submersible missions, be prepared to invest a significant amount of Gil to add it to your collection.

Interacting with the Meerkat Minion

Once you have obtained the Meerkat Minion, it’s time to unleash its charm and watch it interact with your character. This adorable companion keeps an eye out for danger while basking in the warm glow of the sun. Native to lands bordering Vysya Vash, these small beast kin emerge from their underground colonies at sunrise, embracing the warmth of the day.

Emotes and Interactions

The Meerkat Minion reacts to emotes, especially when you have the “Mammoth Ear” title equipped. Through idle animations, it will display various behaviors. For example, when triggered with the /handover emote, the Meerkat Minion will adorably feed from your hand. Similarly, the /pet emote will make it run forward, stand on its hind legs, and look around for danger, always vigilant in ensuring your character’s safety.

Sitting on Shoulders

One of the most endearing interactions is the Meerkat Minion sitting on your character’s shoulders. This can be triggered with the “Mammoth Ear” compact collection title equipped and using the /beckon command. Surprisingly, instead of clinging onto your shoulders, the Meerkat Minion stands tall on its hind legs, creating an adorable and fascinating sight.


Acquiring the Meerkat Minion in Final Fantasy XIV requires patience, time, and resources. Whether you choose to embark on submersible missions or purchase it from the market boards, this rare companion will undoubtedly bring joy and companionship to your adventures. As an expert copywriter, I hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and tips on interacting with this elusive minion. If you’re interested in expanding your minion collection, remember to check out my other videos, where I cover various new additions to the game. Enjoy your journey in Final Fantasy XIV!