
In the world of Final Fantasy XIV, minions play a significant role in adding charm and companionship to your character’s adventures. These small creatures follow you on your journey, providing entertainment and sometimes even aiding you in various ways. In this guide, we will explore one of the rarest and most sought-after minions in the game – the Meerkat Minion.

Obtaining the Elusive Meerkat Minion

The Meerkat Minion, although adorable, is not easily obtained. It is exclusive to exploratory missions with your free company’s submersible, with a particular focus on the Vysya Vash expedition. Upgrading your submersible to improve its stats significantly increases the chances of encountering this rare minion during your voyages.

To access the Meerkat Minion, you need to embark on the perilous journey to Cold Toe Island. This island, located in the lands bordering Vysya Vash, is the home of these small beast kin. They live in underground colonies and emerge from their burrows as the sun rises to bask in its warmth.

The Cost of the Meerkat Minion

While the Meerkat Minion is an adorable addition to your minion collection, it comes at a significant cost. On the market boards, the price for this elusive minion ranges from 13 to 15 million Gil, with some reported instances reaching as high as 20 million Gil. For players who are unable to obtain the Meerkat Minion through submersible missions, purchasing it from the market may be the only option. Therefore, it is essential to gauge the amount of Gil you need to invest if you desire to add this adorable creature to your collection.

Interacting with the Meerkat Minion

Once you have acquired the Meerkat Minion, there are various ways to interact with it, bringing joy and amusement to your adventures. The Meerkat Minion is known for its curious nature and watchful eye, always on guard for potential dangers while basking in the sun.

Emotes and Animations

The Meerkat Minion reacts to different emotes and animations, enhancing the overall experience of having it accompany you. When equipped with the Mammeteer title, which can be obtained in-game, the Meerkat Minion will respond to idle animations triggered during your character’s movement.

Additionally, using the /a beckon command while having the Meerkat Minion summoned and the Mammeteer title active will make the minion climb onto your character’s shoulders. This animation showcases the Meerkat Minion’s ability to stand tall on its hind legs, resembling a sentinel on guard.

Feeding and Petting

To further deepen your bond with the Meerkat Minion, you can interact with it by feeding it. With a simple handover, the Meerkat Minion will adorably feed from your hand, displaying its trust and reliance on you. This interaction showcases the nurturing side of owning a minion and reinforces the sense of companionship between you and this unique creature.

Furthermore, using the pet emote will make the Meerkat Minion run slightly forward, stand up on its hind feet, and look around cautiously. It is always on the lookout for potential dangers, demonstrating its loyalty and dedication to your character’s well-being.

The Joy of Owning the Meerkat Minion

The Meerkat Minion brings joy, entertainment, and a sense of lightheartedness to your Final Fantasy XIV adventures. While it may require patience, time, and a significant investment of Gil to obtain, the Meerkat Minion proves to be a worthwhile addition to any minion collection.


In this guide, we have explored the world of Final Fantasy XIV and the elusive Meerkat Minion. Obtaining this adorable creature may be a challenging endeavor, but the joy and companionship it brings make the effort worthwhile. Whether you choose to embark on submersible expeditions or purchase the minion from the market boards, the Meerkat Minion will undoubtedly become a cherished member of your adventuring party. So, prepare to bask in the sunshine of its praise and let the Meerkat Minion brighten your future adventures in Eorzea.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. If you’re interested in other minions, be sure to check out my previous videos, as I cover most, if not all, of the new additions to the game. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I’ll see you all next time!

Note: The content of this article is based on the transcript of a video by Meoni, a popular Final Fantasy XIV content creator on Youtube. The content has been rewritten and restructured to provide a comprehensive guide and adhere to the SEO guidelines specified in the instructions.