
In the world of League of Legends, there exists a dark underbelly of hacking and cheating known as scripts. These scripts provide players with abilities such as seeing all enemy cooldowns, dodging abilities with ease, and even enabling an aimbot that guarantees skillshot accuracy. In this article, we will uncover the different scripts available in League of Legends and shed light on this unethical practice that gives players an unfair advantage.

Discovering the Scripts

League of Legends player and Youtuber, Professor Akali, exposes the world of scripts in a video that showcases their capabilities. The video begins by introducing an app called Face Check, which runs on Overwolf and significantly enhances a player’s League of Legends skills. This app provides information on the best runes and builds for any champion, allows users to see what builds professional players are using, and provides instant insight into the strengths and weaknesses of team compositions.

Exploring the Scripts in Action

The video then dives into the main topic of interest: the scripts. Professor Akali demonstrates the scripts by playing various champions and showcasing the incredible abilities they provide. For example, with the script enabled, Akali’s character in the game can see the cooldowns of enemy abilities, making it easier to dodge them and avoid taking damage. Additionally, the script allows for an aimbot feature, ensuring that skillshots never miss their targets unless the enemy uses a flash or dash ability to evade them.

Unfair Advantages and Unstoppable Power

As the video progresses, Professor Akali exposes the limitless power granted by these scripts. In one instance, he shows how a champion named Xerath can effortlessly hit every ability without even casting them. The script allows the player to know the exact range and direction of Xerath’s abilities, making it nearly impossible for enemies to dodge them. This unfair advantage is incredibly frustrating for opponents, as they face constant onslaught without any real counterplay.

Disturbing Realizations and the Call to Action

Amidst all the incredible abilities provided by the scripts, it becomes clear that using them is not only unethical but also comes with significant consequences. Professor Akali warns viewers about the risks of using scripts, as using them may result in permanent bans of their League of Legends accounts. Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, takes a strong stance against cheating and continually works to detect and ban accounts that employ these unfair strategies.


In conclusion, the video titled “Hacking in League of Legends: Exposing the Scripts that Give Unfair Advantages” sheds light on the dark world of hacking and cheating in the game. The scripts showcased in the video provide players with astounding abilities that make them virtually unstoppable. However, it is essential to remember that these practices are unethical and carry severe consequences. Using scripts may lead to permanent bans from the game, and it is crucial for players to prioritize fair and competitive play over unfair advantages. Let us stand against cheating and hacking in League of Legends, promoting a healthy and enjoyable gaming environment for all players.