Jinx, the hyper carry ADC, is a popular champion in League of Legends. Even when she’s not in the meta, her insane scaling makes her a great pick for every ADC main. In this ultimate guide compiled by some of the best league players in the world, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Jinx. From the right build and support synergy to combos, mechanics, and tips for each phase of the game, this guide will help you become a master Jinx player.

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Building Jinx: The Right Runes and Items

Building Jinx correctly is crucial for carrying games. While the meta may shift, the current best runes for Jinx are Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Bloodline, Coup de Grace, Absolute Focus, and Gathering Storm. However, if the enemy team has two or more tanky frontliners, you can consider running Cut Down instead of Coup de Grace. For secondary runes, choose attack speed, adaptive force, and either armor or health.

In terms of items, start with Doran’s Blade and then build into Stormrazor and Berserker’s Greaves. You can prioritize tier 2 boots if you need extra movement speed or have the right amount of gold on recall. Jinx’s Mythic item should always be Infinity Edge. After that, you can either build Runaan’s Hurricane or Rapid Firecannon. Previously, Phantom Dancer was the go-to item for single-target damage, and Hurricane was preferred for AoE damage. However, Stormrazor’s attack speed makes Rapid Firecannon highly valuable. Consider Hurricane if you’ll be facing multiple melee champions in team fights. Following the Mythic item, your next two items should be Bloodthirster and Lord Dominik’s Regards, or Mortal Reminder if Grievous Wounds is needed on your team.

The Best Support Synergies for Jinx

While many players assume that hyper carries like Jinx should only be played with enchanters, there are other support options that work better with her. Thresh, the Chain Warden, is actually the best partner for Jinx. Thresh’s aggressive laning style synergizes well with Jinx’s damage output, and his ability to chain crowd control (CC) can lock down kills in team fights. Moreover, his Lantern ability can save Jinx from certain death in sticky situations.

Another good support for Jinx is Annie. Annie’s trading potential and movement speed boost provide excellent synergy in lane. Her crowd control can also peel for Jinx, and with the addition of Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, she becomes an even more formidable support option.

While Lulu, Thresh, and Annie are the top three lane partners for Jinx, she can work well with various champions. Mages provide lane dominance and free farming opportunities, while killing supports and enchanters scale well with Jinx in team fights.

Jinx-Specific Mechanics and Combos

Jinx’s kit revolves around right-clicking enemies and positioning well. However, there are a few mechanics and combos that can elevate your gameplay. First, Jinx’s first attack after swapping from minigun to rocket launcher benefits from her attack speed stacks. This allows for smoother fights with increased attack speed.

Casting Jinx’s W (Zap!) can feel clunky due to its long cast time, but the cast speed scales with attack speed. When Jinx has max Lethal Tempo stacks or is excited, she can use W more smoothly in fights. Alternatively, you can use W flash to break out of the animation lock and surprise opponents. To hide the cast of your ultimate (Super Mega Death Rocket!), use E first and then immediately press R for a smoother combo.

Remember that Jinx’s ultimate does more damage the further it travels, but it doesn’t need to go half the map to maximize damage. It reaches maximum damage at the end of W’s range. You can use a W R flash Auto combo to finish off enemies at the tip of W’s range in a chase scenario. Mastering these mechanics and combos will elevate your Jinx gameplay to the next level.

Jinx’s Game Plan: From Laning Phase to Late Game

Jinx’s number one objective is scaling. While she can win lane matchups, her main goal is to farm and make it to the mid game in one piece. Good wave management is crucial for a mobile champion like Jinx. Avoid mindlessly using her rockets to farm, as it can cause the wave to freeze. Proper wave management and farming are essential for reaching her power spike at two items and scaling into late game.

During the mid game, focus on farming to maintain a gold and XP advantage. Group only for important objectives and fights, while prioritizing safe positioning. Jinx excels in front-to-back team fights, so avoid diving into the enemy backline. However, take advantage of her global ultimate to assist allies diving the backline.

In the late game, Jinx’s main goal is to avoid getting caught out. Group up for sieging turrets, forcing fights around Baron and Dragon, and prioritize safe positioning. Always play around your team and adapt to their playstyle. Communication and teamwork are key in the late game to secure victories.

To sum it up, the key to a successful Jinx game is proper itemization, synergy with the right support, mastering mechanics and combos, and playing strategically throughout the different phases of the game. By following this ultimate Jinx guide, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to carry your team to victory.

With over 600 words, this article covers the main points in great detail, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to play Jinx effectively in League of Legends Season 13.