RimWorld Zone Guide

In this RimWorld guide, we will be focusing on the importance of zones and how to effectively use them in your gameplay. Zones are player-created sections of the map that can be used to restrict colonists or pets. Understanding how to create and manage zones can be crucial for the safety and happiness of your people. Let’s dive into the detailed steps and strategies for utilizing zones in RimWorld.

Creating Zones in RimWorld

To create a zone in RimWorld, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Architect” tab.
  2. Click on “Zone” in the top right corner.
  3. Go to “Expand Allowed Area” and click on “Manage Areas”.
  4. In the “Manage Areas” menu, you will see a list of current zones you have created.
  5. To create a new zone, click on “New Area”. A new zone will appear in the list with a default name and random color.
  6. Rename the zone by clicking on “Rename”.
  7. If you want to invert the entire zone, click on “Invert”.
  8. To delete a zone, click on the red X button.
  9. After creating a zone, go back to the “Expand Allowed Areas” menu and select the zone you want to place.
  10. Drag the color overlay over the areas where you want to restrict colonists and pets. Anything not highlighted will be forbidden.

Restricting People and Pets to Zones

Once you have created a zone, you can restrict colonists and pets to that zone. Here’s how:

  1. To restrict colonists, click on “Restrict” at the bottom and choose the zone you want them to be set to.
  2. If you want to restrict all colonists in a zone, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor from the selection.
  3. To restrict animals, go to the “Animal” tab and follow the same process.
  4. Restricting someone to a zone means they will not leave that zone unless manually moved or during a breakdown.
  5. If a colonist is restricted to a zone while performing a labor task, they will immediately drop what they’re doing and go to the restricted zone.
  6. You cannot force a job to be done in an area that is restricted to a colonist.
  7. Colonists will still be able to travel to areas where you have set allowances, even if they are restricted to a zone.

Common Zone Strategies in RimWorld

Here are a few common zone strategies that can be highly effective in RimWorld:

  1. Inside the Walls: This zone is created for defense purposes, allowing you to quickly recall colonists and pets to a safe area during raids or dangerous events.
  2. Work Zone: Use this zone to prevent colonists from running all over the map. Set up designated work areas, such as mining zones, within the work zone to increase productivity.
  3. Avoid Danger/Forbidden Zone: Use this zone to forbid colonists and pets from accessing dangerous areas or locations close to the edge of the map. Inverting the zone and deleting specific areas is a useful approach.
  4. Grazing Animals Zone: Separate grazing animals from hauling animals to prevent them from bringing dirt and filth into living areas or damaging crops.
  5. Emergency/Triage Zone: Create a temporary area for injured colonists to receive immediate medical attention on the map, avoiding the need to carry them back to the base.
  6. Animal Attack Zone: Use this zone to send animals to attack enemies or absorb hits during combat. Animals can act as effective meat shields.
  7. Fallout Zone: In the event of toxic fallout, create a zone to keep colonists and animals indoors to avoid poisoning. Temporary roofing can be added along paths between buildings for added protection.
  8. Hospital Zone: For colonists in hospital beds who are able to walk, create a small zone and restrict sick individuals to that area. Provide food to prevent hunger and mood debuffs.

By utilizing these zone strategies, you can enhance the safety, happiness, and efficiency of your colonists in RimWorld. Whether you choose to use a few key zones or micromanage every aspect of your colony, zones can greatly improve your gameplay.


Zones are a powerful tool in RimWorld that can significantly impact your gameplay experience. Creating and managing zones effectively will ensure the safety and happiness of your colonists and pets. Whether you’re prioritizing defense, productivity, or resource management, understanding how to use zones in RimWorld is essential. Start experimenting with different zone setups and see how they enhance your gameplay. Good luck, and may your colony thrive!