
In this RimWorld beginner’s guide, we will explore the process of hunting in RimWorld and setting up efficient butchers. Hunting plays a crucial role in RimWorld as it provides a valuable source of food for your colonists. We will discuss the steps required to hunt effectively, the importance of selecting the right colonist as a hunter, the weapons needed for hunting, and how to avoid dangerous situations such as crossfire and boom rats. So let’s dive right in!

Step 1: Selecting a Hunter and Equipping a Ranged Weapon

To begin hunting in RimWorld, you need to ensure that at least one of your colonists is designated as a hunter. This can be done by going to the overview tab and selecting the hunting option for the chosen colonist(s). It is important to note that the selected colonist should have a ranged weapon, not a melee weapon, in order to hunt effectively.

Step 2: Preparation for Hunting

Before sending your hunter off to hunt, it is wise to prioritize their tasks. In the video, Pearl is selected as the hunter to demonstrate the process. To ensure that Pearl focuses solely on hunting, deselect all other tasks except for hunting. This will prompt Pearl to immediately wake up and hunt once she has eaten.

Step 3: Hunting Process

Once the hunter is selected and equipped with a ranged weapon, they will start hunting. It is essential to remember that when you select something for the hunter to hunt, they will go to the designated location and start shooting from a distance within their range limit. It is advisable to keep an eye on the hunter to avoid any accidents, such as them walking into the crossfire.

Step 4: Handling Injured Animals

In the video, Pearl injures a wild boar but fails to kill it. It is crucial to ensure that none of your colonists inadvertently walk into the crossfire or get injured. To fix this issue, you can draft your colonist and manually move them closer to the target. Once they are in a better position, you can undraft them, and they will resume their hunting actions. This tactic helps to minimize the risk of missed shots and injury to your colonists.

Step 5: Butchering and Storage

After successfully hunting an animal, it is essential to have a plan for processing and storing the meat. In RimWorld, you can designate a stockpile area for storing the hunted animals. By default, the animals will be taken to the first stockpile you created. However, if you want to avoid the meat spoiling, it is important to butcher it in a timely manner.

To butcher the animal, set up a butcher’s table and create a bill specifying the desired tasks. Once the animal is butchered, it will turn into raw meat. You can then create a bill on your cook stove to cook the raw meat, providing a much-needed source of nutrition for your colonists.

Step 6: Beware of Boom Rats

While hunting, you must remain vigilant and watch out for boom rats. These red squirrel-like creatures can be dangerous if attacked, as they explode and create a fire. If your hunter accidentally shoots a boom rat, it can ignite nearby objects and potentially harm your colonists. To prevent such incidents, exercise caution when targeting animals and be mindful of the potential risks.


Hunting in RimWorld is a crucial aspect of survival for your colonists. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively set up butchers, hunt efficiently, and avoid potential dangers such as crossfire and boom rats. Remember to designate a colonist as a hunter, equip them with a ranged weapon, and prioritize hunting tasks. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary facilities, such as a butcher’s table and cook stove, to process and store the meat. With proper planning and execution, your colonists will have a steady supply of food for their survival in RimWorld.

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*Note: This article was written based on the video transcript provided by ItsGamerFreak on YouTube.