If you’re a fan of VR gaming, then you’re probably familiar with the popular game Beat Saber. It’s an addictive rhythm game that challenges players to slice through blocks with lightsabers in time with the music. As you progress through the game, the difficulty increases, and it can be challenging to reach the expert and expert plus levels. In this article, we’ll share 10 tips that will help you improve your skills in Beat Saber and take your gameplay to the next level.

Tip 1: Play the Campaign First

To truly master Beat Saber, it’s essential to start with the basics. Don’t skip the campaign mode, even though it might seem tempting to jump right into the additional songs. The campaign mode teaches you the ropes, imparts tricks and skills, and prepares you for the higher levels. While you don’t have to complete the entire campaign, make sure to spend a good amount of time playing the gameplay and expert levels before attempting the leaderboards.

Tip 2: Protect Your Vision

In the settings menu, you’ll find an option called “Reduced Debris.” Enabling this feature will minimize the visual clutter caused by debris flying off the blocks as you slice through them. This can be especially useful during faster levels, as it prevents anything from obscuring your vision. By reducing debris, you’ll have a clearer view of the game, making it easier to react quickly and accurately.

Tip 3: Understand Battery Life

Keep an eye on the battery life indicator at the bottom of the screen. Hitting blocks will increase your battery life, while missing blocks or making bad cuts will cause it to decrease rapidly. Missing blocks results in a faster battery drain than making bad cuts, so it’s crucial to try and hit every block, even if it’s the wrong color or direction. By aiming for precision, you’ll increase your chances of surviving longer in the game.

Tip 4: Pay Attention to Hand Position

Each song in Beat Saber has a flow to it, and it’s designed to make you move in a rhythm. After slicing a block in a downward direction, you’ll often find that the next block requires an upward slice. By keeping your hand positions fluid and maintaining the rhythm, you’ll be able to transition smoothly from one block to the next. It’s important to note that there are exceptions to this rule, but in most cases, this technique will work effectively.

Tip 5: Ramp Up the Difficulty

If you find yourself struggling with a particular song or level, try playing it on the next difficulty level up. This might seem counterintuitive, but pushing yourself to play a harder version of the song will improve your skills and speed. After several attempts on the higher difficulty, switch back to the lower difficulty. You’ll notice that the lower difficulty feels slower and less complicated, making it easier for you to achieve a high score.

Tip 6: Increase the Speed

Similar to ramping up the difficulty level, increasing the speed of the game will help you get accustomed to faster sequences. Start by trying the song at slightly higher speeds, such as 120% or 130%. By challenging yourself with higher speeds, you’ll build up your reflexes and timing. Once you return to the normal pace, it will feel much slower, and you’ll find it easier to navigate through the blocks.

Tip 7: Break Down Challenging Sections

If you come across a particularly tricky section of a song, don’t get discouraged. Instead, slow down the song by 50% or increments of 10% until you’re comfortable with that specific section. Practice it repeatedly until you reach 100% speed, and then try it again at the normal tempo. Breaking down challenging sections allows you to focus on mastering specific parts before tackling the entire song.

Tip 8: Utilize Your Wrists

In the earlier difficulties, it’s common to use big, sweeping arm movements to slice through blocks. However, as the game becomes more challenging, it’s crucial to rely on your wrists. Keep your arms in a relatively fixed position and use flicking motions with your wrists to slice through the blocks. Although it may feel a bit awkward at first, this technique is more efficient for the faster sequences in expert and expert plus levels.

Tip 9: Don’t Panic When Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is inevitable, even for experienced Beat Saber players. The key is not to panic when you miss a block or make a bad cut. Instead of flailing your arms wildly to try and get back on track, take a split-second pause to regain your focus. Missing a block will affect your battery life, but rushing and making more errors will only harm your overall score. Stay calm, hit the next block, and get yourself back on course.

Tip 10: Stay Prepared and Hydrated

Beat Saber is an intense game that can make you break a sweat. To ensure a comfortable gaming experience, it’s a good idea to have a towel or a headband handy. Use them to dry off your face and headset regularly, as sweat can impair your vision if it gets on the lenses. Don’t worry about sweating too much; the headset is easily wipeable, and you can clean it with a baby wipe or a mild cleanser.

Implementing these ten tips will undoubtedly improve your Beat Saber skills and help you progress from easy levels to expert plus. Remember that practice is key, and with dedication and perseverance, you’ll become a master in no time. So grab your lightsabers, put on your VR headset, and let the rhythm guide your every move.

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