
If you’re a fan of virtual reality (VR) gaming, chances are you’ve heard of Beat Saber. This rhythm-based game has gained immense popularity and offers an exhilarating experience for players. As a self-proclaimed Beat Saber enthusiast, I have spent countless hours perfecting my skills and advancing from easy levels to the challenging expert+ mode.

Many players wonder how to level up their Beat Saber abilities and reach the pinnacle of expert+ gameplay. In this article, I will share the top 10 tips that helped me along my Beat Saber journey. By implementing these strategies, you too can improve your gameplay and conquer the expert+ levels.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Playing the campaign mode is crucial for learning essential skills, regardless of the songs available.
  2. Adjusting the settings to reduce debris can significantly enhance visibility during fast-paced levels.
  3. Understanding the battery life mechanic and aiming to hit every block is essential for survival.
  4. Recognize the flow of each song and keep your hand positions in place to maintain a rhythm.
  5. Attempt difficult songs to challenge yourself and build skills, then return to lower difficulty levels for improved performance.
  6. Increase the speed gradually to become comfortable with faster-paced gameplay.
  7. Break down challenging sections of a song by slowing them down to practice and improve accuracy.
  8. Utilize wrist movements rather than relying on heavy swings to maximize efficiency.
  9. Stay calm and focused, avoiding panic or frantic movements when mistakes occur.
  10. Keep a towel or headband nearby to manage sweat accumulation during intense gameplay.

Detailed Tips for Mastering Beat Saber:

Tip 1: Play the Campaign Mode First

Although it may seem obvious, many players skip the campaign mode in favor of exploring additional songs. The campaign mode acts as a tutorial, teaching essential techniques and imparting tricks that will prepare you for higher difficulty levels. While completing the entire campaign is not necessary, playing a good portion of it, especially the expert-level gameplay, will provide a solid foundation for improvement.

Tip 2: Protect Your Vision with Reduced Debris Setting

To enhance visibility and prevent distractions during fast-paced levels, reduce debris in the game settings. This option, found in the play settings, eliminates the block fragments that can obstruct your view. By toggling this setting, you ensure a clearer field of vision, especially in later stages of expert and expert+ gameplay.

Tip 3: Understand the Battery Life Mechanic

In Beat Saber, hitting blocks replenishes your battery life, while missing blocks or making incorrect cuts depletes it rapidly. Focus on hitting every block, even if it’s the wrong color or direction, to extend your survival time. Missing blocks causes a more significant reduction in battery life compared to bad cuts, so prioritize accuracy to stay in the game longer.

Tip 4: Mind Your Hand Positions

Each song in Beat Saber has a unique flow designed to move you in rhythm. After slicing a block, maintain your hand position to smoothly transition into the next block’s direction. In most cases, a downward slice will be followed by an upward slice, creating a natural flow. While exceptions exist, adhering to this rule will ensure optimal gameplay efficiency in the majority of scenarios.

Tip 5: Ramp Up the Difficulty Gradually

If you’re struggling with a particular song, try playing it on a higher difficulty level. This might sound counterintuitive, but by attempting the song at a more challenging setting, you become accustomed to its faster pace and complexity. After several attempts, switch back to the lower difficulty level, and you’ll find it significantly easier to complete. The experience gained from the higher difficulty level translates into improved performance on the lower level.

Tip 6: Increase the Speed

Similar to the previous tip, gradually increasing the speed setting can help you acclimate to faster gameplay. Experiment with different speed levels, such as 120% or 130%, to train your reflexes and adapt to the increased tempo. Once you return to the normal speed, it will feel remarkably slower, allowing for more precise movements and better overall performance.

Tip 7: Break It Down

When encountering particularly challenging sections within a song, it can be helpful to isolate and practice those segments. Use the gameplay settings to slow down the song, starting at 50% speed and gradually increasing to higher percentages. By practicing these difficult sections at a reduced speed, you can focus on perfecting your technique and accuracy. Repeat this process until you can confidently execute the segment at full speed.

Tip 8: Utilize Your Wrists

While it may be tempting to swing your arms vigorously like you would with a real sword, Beat Saber requires a different approach. Rather than relying on big, heavy swings, develop the habit of using your wrists for flicking motions to slice through the blocks. This technique allows for faster and more precise movements, especially during intense sequences. Initially, it may feel awkward, but with practice, it becomes natural and significantly improves performance.

Tip 9: Stay Calm and Stay on Course

Mistakes happen, even to the most skilled players. When you make an error during a song, resist the temptation to panic and wildly swing your arms in an attempt to correct your position. Instead, take a split-second pause, acknowledge the missed block, and quickly refocus on hitting the next one or the following blocks. Panicking and frantic movements generally do more harm than good. By maintaining composure, you increase your chances of recovering from a mistake and maintaining your momentum.

Tip 10: Prepare for Sweating

Beat Saber is an intense and physically demanding game that can leave players perspiring profusely. To prevent sweat from obstructing your vision, keep a towel, headband, or any absorbent cloth nearby. Regularly wipe your face and headset to ensure clear visibility. Don’t worry about sweating on your headset; it is easily cleanable, and baby wipes can effectively remove sweat residue once you’ve finished your session.


By following these ten essential tips, you can significantly improve your Beat Saber skills and reach the expert+ level. Remember that progress takes practice and dedication. Take your time, focus on accuracy and technique, and gradually challenge yourself as you advance. Let the rhythm guide your movements, use your wrists effectively, and cultivate a calm and focused mindset.

So, get ready to slice and dice to the beat, and may the force be with you on your Beat Saber journey!

Additional Video Content

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Thank you for reading, and may your Beat Saber adventures be filled with thrills and triumphs!