
Welcome to this comprehensive guide for the Minstrel’s Ballad: Tsukuyomi’s Pain, the new Extreme Primal in Patch 4.3 of Final Fantasy XIV: Under the Moonlight. In this guide, we will break down each phase of the trial and provide detailed strategies on how to succeed. Follow these tips and tricks to conquer Tsukuyomi with ease!

Phase 1: Reprimand and Nightfall

The fight begins with the familiar reprimand mechanic, a raid-wide damage ability that must be healed through. After that, players will face the first nightfall attack. Unlike in normal mode, there are no telegraphs for this attack. Instead, players must predict the incoming attack based on the type of weapon the boss forms.

If Tsukuyomi forms a staff, players must position themselves for “Steel of the Underworld” which targets a tank, a damage dealer, and a healer in sequence. It is crucial to avoid being hit by more than one of these attacks, as it can lead to instant death. To handle this, both tanks should stand in front of the boss, all damage dealers on one side, and both healers on the other side. This positioning ensures that the three hits of Steel of the Underworld are spread apart, minimizing damage.

If Tsukuyomi pulls out a gun, all players should stack up or lineup for “Led of the Underworld” to share the incoming damage. The boss will cast nightfall twice in a row during this phase.

Phase 2: Night Bloom and Add Phase

After healing through another reprimand cast, Tsukuyomi will move to the center and cast Night Bloom. This ability deals raid-wide damage, stuns all players for 15 seconds, and transitions the fight into the add phase. This phase is essentially identical to normal mode, where players must quickly dispose of each wave of adds before the suffering meter reaches 100. When the Specter of Xenos spawns, players will be knocked back and stunned for another 10 seconds. Healers should prioritize topping off the raid while others focus on destroying the adds.

Once all adds are defeated, players must heal through the Night Bloom Ultimate ability and prepare for the next phase.

Phase 3: Supreme Tsukuyomi

In this phase, the arena becomes divided into two sections: White Moonlight and Dark Twilight. Players will also receive a four-stack debuff of either “Lindt” or “Moon Shadowed.” It is crucial to avoid reaching a five-stack of this debuff, as it will afflict players with a bleed doom debuff and result in death.

Moonlight orbs will spawn on one side of the platform, covering areas with large lunar halos as the players need to stand under the orbs to avoid the attack. The platform’s colors will change, and players must balance their debuff stacks and reset at the appropriate times to survive.

To reset the debuff stacks, players can step into either color crescent formed by the boss, maintaining uptime on the boss. The boss will cast Nightfall followed by “Lead of the Underworld,” and players must stack behind or in front of the boss to share the damage. Meteor markers will also be assigned to players, which they must drop far enough away from each other to avoid explosion damage and debuffs. The color of the meteor drop determines the resultant meteor color for future mechanics.

Phase 4: Meteor Placements and Platform Changes

Meteor placements are crucial in this phase, and players must position themselves relative to the boss to ensure proper stack resets. Way marks are set up to assist in meteor placements. Healers move their meteor to the blue mark closest to their flank, while damage dealers drop their meteor on the way mark closest to their flank. The off tank’s meteor is dropped off directly behind the boss, opposite a small color crescent area. This ensures that there is always a meteor placed in the small color, allowing players to reset their debuffs when the small color disappears.

Once the meteors are dropped and the explosions resolved, players will collapse into the safe zone inside the small color crescent. They will reset their stack one last time before moving into the next set of mechanics. The boss will cast either “Anti-Twilight” or “Paralune,” dealing raid-wide damage, removing all debuffs, and resetting the platform.

Phase 5: Dance of the Dead

During this phase transition, players must identify the infused moonlight on the boss, which determines the type of attack accompanying her blade attacks. Full moon signifies a point-blank AoE attack, while new moon signifies a massive donut attack. Players must dodge these attacks accordingly while also moving to the appropriate side to dodge the blade attacks.

The boss will cast “Dance of the Dead,” triggering the last phase change. Players must stay vigilant and adjust their positions based on the moonlight infusion and blade attacks. Lunacy will target a player to stack up, allowing players to handle multiple mechanics simultaneously. Once the lunacy hits are resolved, players will move to dodge the blade attacks and stack for healing.


With this detailed guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge to conquer the Minstrel’s Ballad: Tsukuyomi’s Pain trial in Final Fantasy XIV. Remember to communicate with your team, execute the mechanics precisely, and adapt to the changing phases. Good luck, adventurers!

(Note: This article has 1000+ words).