
Welcome to DemonSlayerGaming1, where we provide a comprehensive guide to Final Fantasy 14 dungeons. In today’s guide, we will be exploring the trial dungeon castrum voluminous. If you’re looking for a step-by-step walkthrough of the dungeon, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will help you navigate the dungeon successfully, defeat the bosses, and complete the trial. So, let’s dive in!

The Boss Fight

When facing the boss in the trial dungeon castrum voluminous, there are several important mechanics to keep in mind in order to ensure success. Let’s break down each of the key points:

  1. Tank Buster: The boss has a powerful tank buster ability called “Torment upon Death.” It is crucial to face the boss away from the group to minimize the damage caused by this ability. Tanks should also use defensive cooldowns to mitigate the high damage.

  2. Sashiki Asobi: The boss will summon several fans around the room, which will explode in the order they spawned onto the platform. Players should initially move to one of the outside fans and then move into the middle once the middle fan explodes to avoid the damage.

  3. Reprimand: This is a party-wide damaging ability that must be healed through. Healers should prioritize healing during this phase to keep the party’s health up.

  4. Midnight Haze: Two smoke clouds will be summoned onto the platform, gradually moving towards each other. If they collide, players will receive a debuff that reduces their damage output. Players should focus down one cloud first, then group up around the other to absorb the damage before killing it.

  5. Night Bloom: The boss will move to the center of the platform and cast Night Bloom, stunning the entire party. Additional ads will spawn, and players need to kill them. It’s important to prioritize killing the ads before they hit the boss in order to prevent her suffering from increasing.

  6. Xenos: Xenos will spawn and cause a knockback effect on everyone. While Xenos is blocking the boss’s attack, players should focus on killing the ads associated with Xenos. This phase will involve constant party-wide damage, so healers should be vigilant.

  7. Phase Three: The boss will put a light and dark side Yin and Yang on the platform with her ability Selenomancy. Players must rotate between these two sides to avoid receiving the doom effect, which instantly kills them. Additionally, players will need to deal with nightfall orbs and Donut AOE effects.

  8. Lunacy: When the boss switches to her two-handed sword mode, players should group up to mitigate damage. It’s important to pay attention to her various abilities, such as Bright Blade, Man, Dark Blade, and Dancing Fan, and adjust positioning accordingly.

  9. Final Phase: The boss will repeat certain abilities such as Fan, Reprimand, and Dark or Light Blade. Players should continue to stay vigilant, stack when necessary, and adjust positioning to maximize their chances of success.


Congratulations! You have now been equipped with the knowledge needed to conquer the castrum voluminous trial dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. By following our expert guide and mastering the key mechanics of the boss fight, you and your group will be well-prepared to emerge victorious. Good luck and enjoy your adventure in the world of Final Fantasy 14!

(Word count: 624)