Welcome back to the DemonSlayerGaming1 channel! Today, we will be continuing our Final Fantasy 14 dungeon guide series, focusing on the trial dungeon “Castrum Fluminis”. If you find this video helpful, don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel!

In this dungeon, there are several key points to keep in mind to ensure a successful run. Let’s dive into the details of each aspect:

  1. Tank Buster: When engaging the boss, it is crucial for the tank to position the boss away from the rest of the group. The boss has a powerful tank buster ability called “Torment unto Death”, which deals a significant amount of damage. Tanks should use their cooldowns to mitigate this damage.

  2. Sashiki Asobi: The boss will summon several fans around the room. These fans will explode in the order they were spawned onto the platform. Players should move to one of the outside fans and then move into the middle once the middle fan explodes.

  3. Reprimand: This is a party-wide damaging ability that the healer needs to manage and heal through.

  4. Midnight Haze: The boss will summon two smoke clouds onto the platform, which gradually move towards each other in the center. If these clouds reach each other, players will receive a debuff called “Damage Down”. Players should focus down one cloud first and then group up around the other one to absorb the damage from “Lead of the Underworld” and kill it before it finishes casting.

  5. Night Bloom: The boss will go to the center of the platform and cast this ability, stunning the entire party. Additional ads will spawn during this phase, and they need to be killed. The longer these ads are alive and the more they hit the boss, the more the boss’s suffering will increase.

  6. Xenos Spawn: Xenos will spawn and attempt to finish off the boss. Gosetsu will come in and block his attack, allowing players to defeat Xenos. During this phase, the party will constantly receive party-wide damaging abilities, and the boss’s suffering will increase significantly.

  7. Phase 3: The boss will do a bit of damage to the party based on her suffering before entering phase 3. Players should continue to face the boss away from the group.

  8. Selenomancy: The boss will cast this ability, creating a light and dark side (Yin and Yang) on the platform. Players standing on these sides will begin to generate stacks. If they reach five stacks of a certain color, they will receive the “Doom” effect and instantly die. Players need to rotate between the two sides every three to four stacks.

  9. Nightfall: The boss will generate two orbs on the platform that will explode into donut AoEs. Players should group up in a line to reduce the damage. The boss will also cast “Lead of the Underworld” at this time, which requires players to stack up in a line to mitigate the damage.

  10. Ant to Twilight: The boss will stop the Selenomancy effect and do a small amount of damage to the party.

  11. Tormund upon Death: This is the tank buster ability that players need to be aware of. They should move towards the outer edges of the platform to avoid the damaging cone AoE.

  12. Phase 4: Depending on the party’s damage output, the boss may enter phase 4 before or after the second Selenomancy. During this phase, players will have to deal with smoke clouds and switch between the different colored effects. The boss will also cast “Nightfall” again, causing moonlight orbs to spawn on the platform and explode into donut AoEs. Players should be prepared for a large cone AoE aimed at one random party member.

  13. Lunacy: When the boss casts “Lunacy”, players need to group up and stay close together. They should avoid the large AoE on the boss’s right side by moving to the left.

  14. Bright Blade: Players need to be aware of this large AoE and move accordingly to avoid it.

  15. Dark Blade: This ability requires players to reposition themselves appropriately and stack up to mitigate damage.

  16. Fan Ability: This ability will occur multiple times throughout the fight. Players need to reposition themselves in the appropriate area to avoid damage.

  17. Final Phase: The boss will continue to use “Reprimand” and a combination of “Dark Blade” or “Light Blade” attacks. Players need to be careful and react accordingly.

By following these strategies and understanding the mechanics of the Castrum Fluminis trial dungeon, you can successfully defeat the boss and complete the dungeon. Good luck, and have fun!

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