In the popular game Pokemon Unite, choosing the right character and understanding their abilities is crucial for success. One important character to consider is Eldegoss, a support Pokemon known for its healing and shielding abilities. In this article, we will discuss five essential tips to be the best Eldegoss support player in Pokemon Unite.

Tip 1: Use EXP Share and Understand Your Healing Value Early

To maximize Eldegoss’s potential as a support Pokemon, it’s important to use the EXP Share item. This item allows Eldegoss to share experience points with nearby teammates, helping them level up faster. Additionally, understanding the value of Eldegoss’s healing abilities early in the game is crucial. With moves like Leafage and Synthesis, Eldegoss can provide healing and support to teammates, keeping them alive during battles.

Tip 2: Choose Pollen Puff as Your First Skill

When starting a match with Eldegoss, it’s recommended to choose Pollen Puff as your first skill. This move not only deals damage to enemies but also provides healing to yourself and nearby teammates. The AOE (Area of Effect) nature of Pollen Puff makes it a versatile skill that can turn the tide of battle in your team’s favor.

Tip 3: Select Cotton Guard as Your Second Skill

The choice of Eldegoss’s second skill, Cotton Guard, depends on the composition of the opposing team. However, in most cases, Cotton Guard is a better choice as it provides an extra shield to yourself and nearby teammates. This shield can absorb damage and protect your team during intense battles, making it a valuable skill for team survival.

Tip 4: Utilize the Unite Move to Keep Your Teammates Alive

Eldegoss’s Unite Move is a powerful ability that can turn the tables in a battle. When using the Unite Move, Eldegoss will float above the battlefield and release a burst of healing energy upon landing. This not only heals your entire team but also reduces the cooldown of your abilities and provides a shield to your teammates. Use this ability strategically to keep your teammates alive and turn the tide of battle.

Tip 5: Stick with Your Team as the Experience Share Holder

As the support player with the EXP Share item, it’s important to stick with your team throughout the game. By sharing experience points with your teammates, you help them level up faster and become stronger. Stay close to your teammates, providing healing and support whenever needed. This teamwork will contribute greatly to your team’s success in battles.

Remember, mastering Eldegoss’s abilities and understanding your role as a support player is essential for success in Pokemon Unite. By following these five tips and utilizing Eldegoss’s healing and shielding abilities effectively, you can be the best support player on your team and lead them to victory.

So, get out there, train your Eldegoss, and be the best support player in Pokemon Unite!

(Note: This article is a transcript of a YouTube video by the Pokemon Unite Climbing Guide channel. The content has been rewritten and restructured for an article format.)