When it comes to playing as Earth Shaker in the support position, there are a few key strategies and tactics that can help you dominate the lane. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of laning with Earth Shaker and offer valuable tips and tricks to ensure your success. By following these guidelines, you can maximize your impact and contribute to your team’s victory.

Key Points:

  1. Start by purchasing boots, a Sentry, and a ward. Place the ward and Sentry to block the small camp, denying the enemy team the opportunity to pull creeps. This gives you and your carry an advantage in terms of experience and farm.
  2. After buying your initial items, consider getting a Ring of Basilius and a few Tangoes to sustain yourself in the lane. This is a standard build for Earth Shaker but can be adjusted depending on the situation.
  3. As the laning phase begins, head to the rune with your offlaner and secure it. Then, quickly return to your lane and block the enemy wave. Use your Fissure ability to block the creeps only once, as using it twice can disrupt the wave equilibrium.
  4. In the laning stage, your main focus should be on harassing the enemy support rather than going after the enemy carry. Use your superior stats, such as higher HP and armor, to your advantage and trade hits with the enemy support.
  5. Be mindful of your positioning and try to force the attention of the enemy support towards you. This not only protects your carry but also creates space for them to farm uninterrupted. Sacrificing your life for a good lane position can be worth it in certain situations.
  6. Avoid engaging the enemy carry directly, especially if they have heroes like Terrorblade, who are stronger in the laning stage. Instead, focus on zoning out the support and denying them the opportunity to harass your carry.
  7. Around the 50-second mark, try to pull either the large camp into your wave or the enemy wave towards you. This may be a risky move, but it helps to manipulate the wave and maintain control over the lane.
  8. Use the Alt key to display the experience range indicator and try to leave as much experience as possible for your carry. Prioritize their growth over your own, especially if you are playing with heroes like Viper, Death Prophet, or Broodmother.
  9. After the 5-minute mark, consider placing a ward near the enemy shrine or in another strategic location to keep tabs on their courier and disrupt their gameplay. This can tilt the enemy midlane and create unnecessary pressure.
  10. Remember, Earth Shaker is not a dominant laner and may struggle to win the lane outright. But with strategic play and these tips, you can equalize the lane or even turn the tide in your favor. Don’t get discouraged if you are not stomping the lane; focus on creating a favorable environment for your carry.
  11. Finally, if you have any questions or want more in-depth guidance, feel free to ask in the comments or join the creator’s Discord or Twitch channel, which can be found in the description.

Playing Earth Shaker on the support role requires a different mindset and approach compared to other heroes. By mastering the art of positioning, wave manipulation, and strategically focusing on the enemy support, you can greatly impact the laning stage and set the stage for victory. Apply these tips in your next Dota 2 game and watch as your Earth Shaker support skills reach new heights. Good luck and have fun on the battlefield!