
In Teamfight Tactics (TFT), the early game is crucial for success. It’s important to have a strong board that doesn’t require a lot of money to build, allowing you to save resources for later stages of the game. This article will discuss the best early game compositions for both attack damage (AD) and ability power (AP) openers. We will also cover how to play these compositions at different levels and transitions to late game compositions. Before diving into the compositions, let’s go over some important notes to provide context.

Notes for Early Game Compositions

  1. Focus on two-star one-cost units or one-star three-cost units: Two-star one-cost units and one-star three-cost units are easier to find compared to higher cost units. This provides more reliability to your early game boards.

  2. Pick up low-cost units that may go into your final composition: If you are planning to build a vertical trait composition like Ionia, it’s important to pick up low-cost units early on. These units are harder to find in the late game, so gathering them early will save you from rolling on higher levels.

  3. Be strong without spending too much money: While it can be tempting to buy expensive units, it’s crucial to balance your economy. Upgrading costly units early on can drain your gold reserves and disrupt your economy intervals, which are essential for a successful game.

  4. Openers are not set in stone: Feel free to mix and match different openers based on the units you have. Upgraded units generally perform better in the early game, so focus on building a strong frontline core and a strong backline core.

Now that we have covered the notes, let’s move on to the best early game compositions for AD and AP openers.

AD Openers

Gin Irelia Opener

Currently, the Gin Irelia opener is the strongest opener for AD compositions. It utilizes Gin to hold AD items and Irelia to hold tank items. Ideally, you would want to start with one of these two units, but having both as two-star units is even better for a strong win streak. Here is how you can play this opener:

Level 3 Board:

  • Gin (with Ionia synergy)
  • Irelia (with Ionia synergy)
  • Set (as an alternative to Karma or Zed with Ionia synergy)

Level 4 Board:

  • Challenging Smite (dual frontline and dual backline)
  • Warwick (for Juggernaut synergy)

Level 5 Board:

  • Challenging unit
  • Deadeye unit (ideally Jin and Ashe)

Level 6 Board:

  • No specific easy transition at this level, but additional Deadeye units or random upgraded units can be played.

From this point, you can transition into any AD composition depending on the units you acquire. Ionia composition is a great choice, especially if you have Irelia and are able to drop Gin. Another option is to play an Ophelios composition, where you can hold Ashe and potentially play four Deadeyes.

Samira Irelia Opener

The Samira Irelia opener focuses on carrying AD items on Samira and tank items on Irelia. This composition revolves more around Challengers. To play this opener, you will need at least one two-star unit from Samira or Irelia. Here is a breakdown of how to play this opener:

Level 4 Board:

  • Kalista
  • Warwick

If you manage to get a two-star Kalista from an orb, consider stacking her with items like Rageblade or Hand of Justice, as she can hold them effectively. If you don’t have Kalista, a level 4 board with three Ionia units, such as Gin and Set, can be played.

Level 5 Board:

  • Challenging unit (e.g., Jax)
  • Deadeye unit

Level 6 Board:

  • No specific easy transition at this level, but you can add extra Deadeye units or other random upgraded units.

From this point, you can transition to any AD composition that suits your units. Holding Ashe and playing a four-deadeye composition or playing an Ionia composition are potential options.

AP Openers

Ziggs Opener

The Ziggs opener focuses on playing a strong early game with Ziggs, who is a one-cost unit with area-of-effect damage. Here is how you can play this opener:

Level 3 Board:

  • Ziggs
  • Twisted Fate
  • Syndra

Level 4 Board:

  • Ziggs
  • Twisted Fate
  • Syndra
  • Malphite

Level 5 Board:

  • Ziggs
  • Twisted Fate
  • Syndra
  • Malphite
  • Ahri

Level 6 Board:

  • Ziggs
  • LeBlanc
  • Twisted Fate
  • Syndra
  • Malphite
  • Ahri

This composition emphasizes area-of-effect damage with Ziggs and relies on finding other strong one-cost and two-cost units to complement the board.

Ahri Shojin Opener

The Ahri Shojin opener focuses on utilizing Ahri’s ability to deal high damage with the Shojin item. Here is how you can play this opener:

Level 3 Board:

  • Ahri
  • Syndra
  • Twisted Fate

Level 4 Board:

  • Ahri
  • Syndra
  • Twisted Fate
  • Neeko

Level 5 Board:

  • Ahri
  • Syndra
  • Twisted Fate
  • Neeko
  • Cassiopeia

Level 6 Board:

  • Ahri
  • Syndra
  • Twisted Fate
  • Neeko
  • Cassiopeia
  • Vel’Koz

This composition focuses on ability power and provides strong area-of-effect damage.


In summary, the early game in TFT is crucial for success. By playing strong early game compositions, such as the ones described above, you can save HP and build a solid foundation for transitioning into late game compositions. Remember the key points:

  • Focus on two-star one-cost units or one-star three-cost units.
  • Pick up low-cost units that may go into your final composition.
  • Be strong without spending too much money.
  • Openers are not set in stone; feel free to mix and match.
  • AD openers include Gin Irelia and Samira Irelia.
  • AP openers include Ziggs and Ahri Shojin.

Follow these strategies, adapt to your unit rolls, and you’ll have a strong early game in TFT Set 9.