
In this article, we’ll be discussing the current state of the game For Honor and whether or not it’s still popular among gamers. We’ll dive into the arcade mode and explore why it may not have received as much attention as other game modes. We’ll also touch on some of the updates and additions that have been made to the game over time. So, let’s get started and find out whether or not people are still playing For Honor!

Key Points:

  1. The introduction of the Herald of Chimera game mode.
  2. The decline in popularity of arcade mode.
  3. Lack of new quests in arcade mode.
  4. Fizzling out of other game modes like Faction War and Tribute.
  5. The need for new content in the game.
  6. The desire for a Dominion map.
  7. The weekly quests and their rewards.
  8. The variety of quests in arcade mode.
  9. The frustration of facing multiple enemies in arcade quests.
  10. The excitement of facing off against unique characters from the campaign.

The State of For Honor

For Honor is a game that was released a few years ago and initially gained a lot of popularity. However, over time, the game seems to have lost some of its player base. The introduction of new game modes, such as the Herald of Chimera, seemed to bring some players back to the game. However, other game modes, like the arcade mode, have seen a decline in popularity.

The Arcade Mode

The arcade mode in For Honor offers players the opportunity to face off against AI opponents in a series of quests and challenges. However, many players feel that the arcade mode has not received the same level of attention as other game modes. Some players have even expressed their disappointment with the lack of new quests in the arcade mode. While some new quests have been added, many players feel that the mode has become repetitive.

Fizzling Out

This lack of attention to certain game modes is not exclusive to the arcade mode. Other game modes, such as Faction War and Tribute, have also seen a decline in popularity. While these modes were initially exciting and added variety to the game, they have since lost their appeal for many players. This raises the question: why do certain game modes not receive the attention they deserve?

The Need for New Content

One possible reason for the decline in popularity of certain game modes is the need for new content. Players of For Honor are constantly looking for new challenges and experiences in the game. When new modes or quests are introduced, they provide excitement and keep players engaged. However, when these modes and quests are not updated or expanded upon, players can quickly lose interest.

The Desire for a Dominion Map

One feature that many players have been hoping for in For Honor is the addition of a new Dominion map. Dominion is one of the most popular game modes in For Honor, and players are always eager for new maps to explore and conquer. Yet, despite the demand from players, no new Dominion map has been added to the game.

Weekly Quests and Rewards

One of the ways that For Honor keeps players engaged is through the weekly quests. These quests provide players with the opportunity to earn rewards, such as steel and effects. However, some players feel that the weekly quests have become repetitive, as they often offer the same rewards that they may have already obtained.

The Variety of Quests in Arcade Mode

While the arcade mode may have lost some of its popularity, it still offers a variety of quests and challenges for players to enjoy. These quests often feature unique characters from the campaign mode, which adds an extra level of excitement. Players can face off against characters like the Great Mercy and the Yar all over the habitat in their quest to conquer Valkenheim.


In conclusion, while the popularity of For Honor may have declined over time, there are still players who enjoy the game and continue to play it. The arcade mode, while not as popular as other game modes, still offers a variety of quests and challenges for players to enjoy. However, the lack of new content and updates to certain game modes has left some players feeling disappointed. To keep players engaged and excited, it is important for the developers to continue adding new content and expanding upon existing game modes. Only then can For Honor maintain its player base and remain an enjoyable gaming experience for all.

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