Are you a passionate gamer and dream of joining a professional esports team? Do you want to earn money doing what you love? In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process of joining an esports organization and becoming a professional esports athlete or content creator. We will explore the key points mentioned in a YouTube video by Rushindra Sinha, an expert in the esports industry.

The First Step: Sending an Email

The first step in joining an esports organization is to send an email expressing your interest. In the video, Rushindra Sinha suggests sending an email to, but this process can be applied to any organization you wish to join. It is essential to put effort into your email and include important details such as your name, the game you play, and something about yourself that sets you apart from others. The goal is to showcase your passion and goals to the organization and give them a reason to consider you.

Content Creators: Showcase Your Content

If you aspire to become a content creator for an esports organization, it’s not necessary to have thousands of subscribers. The key is to show your content, even if you have zero subscribers. Use your phone to shoot videos and demonstrate your creativity and skills. Don’t let a lack of equipment discourage you. Many successful content creators started with minimal resources and gradually upgraded as they gained popularity. Focus on creating quality content that stands out and reflects your passion for the game.

Don’t Ask for Devices

One common mistake aspiring esports athletes make is asking for devices before proving themselves. Rushindra Sinha emphasizes the importance of first proving yourself through hard work and dedication. He mentions that all successful athletes have achieved their positions based on their skills and not by being given top-notch equipment. Instead of requesting devices, showcase your performance on the devices you currently have access to. Borrow someone else’s phone, record your gameplay, and compare it with gameplay recorded on high-end phones. This will demonstrate your potential to organizations without directly asking for devices.

Put Effort into Your Application

Whether you want to join as an esports athlete or a content creator, it is crucial to put effort into your application. Include relevant details about yourself, your dreams, your passions, and what you want to achieve in the industry. Customized videos or content specifically created to showcase your skills and knowledge about the organization you’re applying to can make a significant impact. Stand out from the crowd by showing your dedication and innovation.

Think Outside the Box

When it comes to joining an esports organization, thinking outside the box is essential. Rushindra Sinha encourages applicants to do something unique and different to catch the organization’s attention. Showcasing your skills, creating innovative content, or even developing a game that serves as a resume can set you apart from others. Don’t be afraid to try new ideas and execute them with passion. Organizations are always looking for individuals who stand out and show potential.

The Harsh Reality

While it may be challenging to join an esports organization, perseverance and dedication are key. Rushindra Sinha reminds viewers of the competitive nature of the industry. He encourages individuals to seize opportunities instead of waiting for them to come. Organizations receive numerous emails and applications, so it’s crucial to do something that makes you stand out. Demonstrating your passion, hard work, and creativity can greatly increase your chances of getting noticed.


Joining an esports team and earning money as a professional athlete or content creator is achievable with the right approach. Start by sending a well-crafted email expressing your interest and showcasing your skills. Put effort into your application by creating customized content and demonstrating your passion. Think outside the box and do something unique to catch the attention of esports organizations. Remember, the esports industry is highly competitive, so perseverance and dedication are essential. With hard work and the right mindset, you can turn your gaming passion into a rewarding career.