Note: This is an article created for the purpose of fulfilling the given instructions. The content of this article does not reflect any actual events or opinions.


Recently, a player on Twitter with the handle @howold posted a video showcasing the hack he discovered in the new champion select. This hack allows the player to see the summoner names of everyone in the lobby using a tool called The Man in the Middle. In this article, we will delve deeper into this hack, discuss the implications of the new champion select, and explore potential improvements that Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, could implement.

Understanding The Man in the Middle

The player demonstrated the use of a server interception tool called The Man in the Middle to uncover the summoner names in the lobby. It is important to note that The Man in the Middle is a term used to describe a technique where a hacker intercepts and alters communication between two parties. In this case, the hacker intercepts the server communication and is able to reveal the summoner names of all players in the lobby.

The Anonymous Summoners and Third-Party Apps

With the release of the pre-season and the introduction of anonymous summoners in champion select, third-party apps such as Professor were asked to remove the feature that allowed players to see their teammates’ names and stats. While the anonymous feature has its merits, there have been some issues reported on Twitter and Reddit that might force Riot Games to reconsider their approach.

Riot Games’ Response

In response to the concerns raised by players, Riot Games representative, Oberon, took to social media to address the situation. In a tweet, Oberon stated that the Ally names will be changed to Krug, Gromp, Merckwolf, Raptor, and Scuttle Crab in upcoming patches to provide better clarity for champion selection. However, some players find these new names to be juvenile and goofy.

Community Suggestions and Feedback

The new champion select has brought about some confusion among players, leading to various suggestions and feedback from the community. Redditors have proposed ideas such as color coding names for better clarity or indicating the role of the ally, such as “top laner.” Riot Games’ response to these suggestions has been mixed. Oberon mentioned that they considered implementing role nameplates but found it to be too confusing, especially when players swap roles during champion selection.


The new champion select has introduced changes that aim to provide a more streamlined and anonymous experience for players. However, as with any new implementation, there have been some challenges and concerns raised by the community. Riot Games is actively listening to player feedback and has already announced upcoming changes to address some of the issues. As the pre-season progresses, it will be interesting to see how Riot Games further improves the champion select experience based on player input.

What are your thoughts on the new champion select? Are there any changes or improvements you would like to see implemented in the future? Share your opinions in the comments below and stay tuned for more League of Legends news.

Note: This article is purely fictional and created for instructional purposes only.