Welcome to the DemonSlayerGaming1 channel! Today, we will be taking a deep dive into the trial dungeon known as Castrum Fluminis in Final Fantasy 14. If you’re looking for a guide to navigate through this challenging dungeon, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will provide a detailed walkthrough of the dungeon, highlighting key strategies and tactics to help you conquer Castrum Fluminis with ease. So, let’s get started!

Facing the Boss and Tank Buster

When facing the boss, it is crucial to position her away from the rest of your group. The tank buster ability she possesses is a large cone area-of-effect (AOE) attack called Torment onto Death, which deals a significant amount of damage. To minimize the impact of this attack, make sure to pop defensive cooldowns on cooldown.

Dealing with Sashiki Asobi and Reprimand

The boss will summon several fans, known as Sashiki Asobi, around the room. These fans will explode in the order they spawned onto the platform. To evade the explosion damage, move to one of the outside fans and then transition into the middle once the middle one explodes. Additionally, the boss will use Reprimand, a party-wide damaging ability that can be healed through.

Managing Midnight Haze and Lead of the Underworld

Midnight Haze is another ability the boss possesses. It summons two smoke clouds onto the platform that gradually move towards each other in the center. If these clouds collide, you will receive two stacks of the damage down debuff. To prevent this, focus down and eliminate one of the clouds first, then group up around the remaining one to absorb the damage from Lead of the Underworld and kill it before it finishes casting.

Defeating the Additional Ads and Xenos

When the boss moves to the center of the platform and starts casting Night Bloom, it stuns the entire party and spawns additional ads. The first group will spawn in the north platform and must be eliminated quickly. These ads are not tankable, so your priority should be burning them down.

The second group consists of Specters of the Empire and a Specter of the Homeland. Unlike the first group, these ads are tankable. Pick them up and use area-of-effect (AOE) attacks to dispatch them efficiently.

Lastly, a Specter of Asahi will spawn in the northeast corner. This ad is not tankable, therefore, focus on burning it down before it inflicts substantial damage on Tsukiyomi.

Once the ads are dealt with, Xenos will appear, causing a knock-back effect on everyone before trying to finish off Tsukiyomi. However, Gosetsu intervenes and blocks Xenos’ attack, giving you an opportunity to defeat the Specter of Xenos. During this encounter, the party will constantly receive damaging abilities, increasing Tsukiyomi’s suffering.

Entering Phase Three: Selenomancy and Nightfall

To proceed to Phase Three, continue facing the boss away from the group. Tsukiyomi will cast Selenomancy, which creates a light and dark side on the platform (yin and yang). As you stand on these sides, you will generate stacks. However, reaching five stacks of a particular color will result in the doom effect, resulting in instant death. To avoid this, rotate between the sides every three to four stacks.

During Phase Three, Nightfall becomes a crucial ability. It generates two orbs on the platform that explode into donut AOE attacks. Additionally, Lead of the Underworld is cast, requiring the party to group up in a line to reduce the damage inflicted.

Surviving Tormund upon Death and Phase Four Transition

Tsukiyomi follows up with a cast of Ant to Twilight, which halts the Selenomancy effect and inflicts minor damage on the party. This ability is succeeded by Tormund upon Death, the tank buster ability. Move towards one of the outer fans to mitigate the damage inflicted, and then transition towards the center.

After this sequence, a line of Lead of the Underworld will appear, requiring the party to stack up and reduce the incoming damage. Tormund upon Death is cast again, followed by another torment upon death. Depending on your group’s damage output, it is possible to push Tsukiyomi into Phase Four before she casts her second Selenomancy.

Phase Four: Lunacy and the Final Encounter

During Phase Four, Tsukiyomi switches to a two-handed sword mode when she casts Lunacy. At this point, the party must group up and stay close together. Bright Blade will unleash a large AOE attack on her right side, prompting the party to move left to avoid it. Man will follow, causing party-wide damage.

Dark Blade is another ability you need to watch out for. Tsukiyomi will perform the next dancing fan ability without casting it. Make sure to reposition yourself in the appropriate area for the fan while stacking up to mitigate the damage from Lunacy. Reprimand and another torment upon death are cast, followed by a fan ability and either Dark or Light Blade. Adjust your positioning accordingly to evade these attacks.

As the encounter progresses, Tsukiyomi should go down, signifying the end of Castrum Fluminis. Congratulations on successfully completing the trial!

In conclusion, this guide has provided you with a comprehensive walkthrough of the Castrum Fluminis trial in Final Fantasy 14. By following these strategies and tactics, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer this dungeon. Remember to communicate with your party members and adapt to the mechanics of the fight. Good luck, and may victory be yours!

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