Hello, everybody! It’s foofootoo here, and today we’re going to be conducting an experiment to explore the mechanics of the ability corrosion and the move baneful bunker in Pokemon Sun and Moon. These are two exciting new additions that bring unique effects to battles. Corrosion allows a Pokemon to poison Steel and Poison types, which are typically immune to poison, while baneful bunker is a move similar to protect but with the added ability to poison any Pokemon that makes contact with it. In this video, we aim to determine if the combination of these two mechanics can poison Poison and Steel types with baneful bunker.

Firstly, let’s establish that baneful bunker, in its current state, does not poison my Beldum or my Silvally. To observe the effects of using baneful bunker in tandem with corrosion, we’ll need to perform some setup. I will be using my Toxapex with baneful bunker and my Celesteela with skill swap to transfer corrosion onto Toxapex. This will allow us to see if we can poison Silvally and Beldum with baneful bunker.

However, since both Silvally and Beldum are currently immune to poison, neither of them will be affected by the poison status on the first turn. We will need to swap the corrosion ability from Celesteela to Toxapex on the next turn. This swap is necessary to activate the painful bunker move and see if we can successfully poison Silvally and Beldum.

Now, let’s proceed with some random moves.

  • Toxapex will use recover,
  • Silvally will attempt to use a contact move which will fail,
  • Celesteela will perform a skill swap to transfer corrosion to Toxapex.

On the following turn, Silvally will use takedown, and Toxapex will use leech life. Now that Toxapex has the corrosion ability, we can finally use baneful bunker and observe if it will successfully poison Silvally and Beldum.

Keep in mind that baneful bunker is a passive move, so it’s not actively poisoning the other Pokemon. They are essentially poisoning themselves. However, if it does work, it would be a fascinating combination. Toxapex already has recovery moves, and with the addition of painful bunker, it would become even more annoying for opponents to take it down, especially if it is equipped with an item like black sludge. Additionally, Toxapex would be able to poison any Pokemon, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

And there you have it! This little experiment shows that Toxapex with the corrosion ability and baneful bunker can indeed poison Silvally and Beldum. It’s an intriguing strategy that can potentially be utilized in battles. Imagine being able to poison any Pokemon using Toxapex’s combination of recovery moves, painful bunker, and corrosion. It would certainly be a challenging and frustrating scenario for opponents.

Before we conclude, if you found this experiment interesting or informative, please leave a like on this video. Also, feel free to join the discussion and suggest other experiments we could explore in future videos. We value your input, so leave your comments down below.

That’s all for today, folks! Thank you for watching. You’ve been awesome, and we hope to see you next time. Goodbye!