Ascent is one of the most popular maps in Valorant, and if you want to improve your gameplay on this map, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll cover some key strategies and tips that can help you win more games on Ascent in less than 10 minutes!

Agent Picks and Meta Analysis When it comes to playing Ascent, understanding the meta and choosing the right agents can give you a significant advantage. Based on pick rates, primary meta agents include those with a pick rate of 40 or above, secondary meta agents have a pick rate between 0 and 40, and non-meta agents have a pick rate of zero. Knowing these pick rates can give you valuable insights into what agents are commonly played on Ascent.

Defensive Side: A Main On the defensive side, it’s common for pro teams to have an Omen or Astra holding A Main. The use of one-way smokes can make it difficult for attackers to take control of this area. Additionally, the inclusion of a KO knife can further hinder attackers, preventing them from pushing past the one-way smoke. The Omen, in combination with KO, can effectively defend A Main and stall attackers.

Defensive Side: Mid In mid, you’ll often find a primary AWPer such as Jett or Viper. These agents will typically hold mid, allowing them to get easy kills and control the flow of the game. Mid control is crucial as it allows for quick rotations between sites and can catch defenders off guard.

Defensive Side: B Side The B side is often manned by agents like Sova, Killjoy, Sage, or Cypher. Killjoy’s turret placement on top of a box is a popular strategy to gather information and slow down attackers. Similarly, Cypher’s traps and Sage’s slows can make it difficult for attackers to push onto the site. The goal is to delay attackers and force them to use utility before reaching the site.

Offensive Side: B Side On the offensive side, a common strategy is to have a Sentinel player like Killjoy or Cypher holding B Side. Killjoy’s turret placement on the little Pavilion can provide valuable information and watch for enemy pushes from B Main. If the rest of the team pushes towards A, the Sentinel player can act as a lurker in mid, applying pressure and gathering information.

Offensive Side: A Side On the A side, defensive one-ways are often countered with a KO knife, allowing attackers to push defenders back towards the site. Securing control of A Main is crucial, as it provides opportunities for quick site takes or forcing defenders to rotate from B. Be cautious of any well-placed alarms or traps that defenders may have set up in mid.

General Strategies While all-in executions can work on Ascent, a more common approach is a slower and more default playstyle. This involves playing for picks, gathering information, and looking for openings before committing to a site take. However, don’t be afraid to mix things up with all-in strategies from time to time as they can catch defenders off guard.

Pivoting Between Sites Owning mid control allows for quick pivots between the A and B sites. By pressuring both sites simultaneously, you can force defenders into uncomfortable positions and create opportunities for easy site takes. Defenders will have to rotate a longer way to reach the opposite site, giving attackers an advantage.

Conclusion Mastering Ascent is all about understanding the map’s dynamics, choosing the right agents, and executing well-planned strategies. By considering agent picks, holding key areas, and creating opportunities for quick rotations, you can improve your win rate on Ascent. Remember to mix up your strategies occasionally and adapt to the game as it unfolds. Good luck, and may your ascent to victory be swift!

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