Albion Online, a popular MMORPG, has seen a recent increase in the prices of premium. This has made it challenging for players to maintain their premium status. However, there have been changes implemented by SBI (Sandbox Interactive) that make it easier for players to earn more silver in the game. In this article, we will explore the best money-making method in Albion Online in 2022.

The first change introduced by SBI is the increase in the overall loot value of the chests in the Nightfall Abbey. This means that players can now expect to find more valuable items and earn a higher amount of silver by clearing mobs in Nightfall Abbey. This update has made it one of the most efficient methods for making money in the game.

The second change is the improved Black Market algorithm. This improvement ensures that legendary chests found in the Black Market are truly legendary. This means that players have a higher chance of finding rare and valuable items, which can be sold for a significant amount of silver. Players should take advantage of this update to maximize their earnings.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of these changes, a player collected over 19 million silver worth of loot from both PVE and PVP encounters in Albion Online. The player streamed their entire gameplay session as proof of their earnings. The link to the stream can be found in the description of the video.

During the gameplay session, the player encountered various types of chests, including medium chests, legendary chests, and rare chests. Each chest yielded a different amount of silver when looted. For example, a medium chest could be worth 600,000 silver, while a legendary chest could be worth 800,000 silver. The player also encountered a rare chest that was worth 500,000 silver. These chests present lucrative opportunities for players to accumulate wealth in the game.

It is important to note that players should be cautious while exploring and looting chests, as there may be other players, referred to as “rats,” who may attempt to steal the loot. Players should be prepared to defend themselves against potential threats and ensure their safety while engaging in this money-making method.

Additionally, the player encountered various mobs and enemies during their gameplay session. They showcased their ability to defeat these enemies and continue looting valuable items. This demonstrates the importance of having good combat skills and equipment when engaging in the Albion Online money-making method.

One particular encounter involved the player facing a formidable opponent. By utilizing their movement speed and skillful combat techniques, the player was able to emerge victorious and loot valuable items from their fallen adversary.

The article also touches upon the Mist and the Wisp in Albion Online. While the player did not focus on these elements during their gameplay session, they mentioned that these are additional sources of content and loot in the game. The Mist and the Wisp offer players the opportunity to earn fame points and obtain valuable loot, making them worth exploring for those looking to maximize their earnings.

In conclusion, with the recent changes implemented by SBI, players in Albion Online have the opportunity to earn more silver and maintain their premium status. Clearing mobs in the Nightfall Abbey and looting chests, especially legendary and rare ones, offers a highly profitable method for making money in the game. By being cautious of potential threats and utilizing good combat skills, players can ensure a successful money-making experience. Explore the Mist and the Wisp for additional content and loot. Take advantage of these methods to amass wealth and enjoy the thriving economy of Albion Online in 2022.

Keywords: Albion Online, money making, Nightfall Abbey, loot, chests, silver, Black Market, SBI, gameplay, premium.