Are you new to Albion Online and looking for the best way to start your journey? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to ensure a successful start in the game, allowing you to accumulate wealth and thrive without taking unnecessary risks. By following this guide, you will be able to build a strong foundation, earn a lot of silver (the in-game currency), and have plenty of options to consistently make more silver. Say goodbye to losing everything in full loot PvP zones and quitting the game out of frustration. This guide will prepare you to secure your financial future and always have enough money to pursue risky activities without worrying about going broke.

Step 1: Character Creation

The first step in Albion Online is creating your character. While character creation is not extremely important in terms of gameplay, it does affect your avatar’s appearance and name. You can change your avatar’s look and name anytime, so no need to stress about getting it perfect the first time. Just make sure to choose a non-offensive name since the game no longer allows offensive names. Your character’s gender is also permanent, so choose wisely.

Step 2: Play and Complete the Tutorial

Once your character is created, make sure to enable the “Play Tutorial” option. Playing the tutorial is crucial as it not only provides a quick and easy way to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics but also rewards you with bonuses that will help you start with a decent amount of money. Pay close attention to the prompts and complete the tutorial as instructed. There are certain points in the tutorial where you cannot return, so it’s important to follow along accordingly.

Step 3: Combat Tips and Efficient Mob Killing

After completing the tutorial, you will find yourself in the combat zone, where you’ll need to complete quests and engage in battles. To effectively kill mobs, left-click on an enemy to initiate an attack and use your spacebar and right-click to move around and attack simultaneously. This technique, known as orb blocking, allows you to be more efficient in combat, especially when you are on your mount (donkey/mule). Mounts play a significant role in the game, so make sure to utilize them and engage multiple enemies at once. Experiment with different abilities and learn how to do circular sword swings for maximum efficiency.

Step 4: Gathering Resources and Building Your Early Economy

While in the combat zone, keep an eye out for rough stones. These are valuable resources and will play an essential role in building up your early economy. If you come across a circle of rough stones with no other players around, make sure to collect them all. These stones are highly precious and will be necessary for later stages of the game.

Step 5: Crafting and Buying Tier 2 Items

During the tutorial, you will reach a point where you need to craft or buy tier 2 items. To save time, it is recommended to buy the necessary items from the marketplace instead of crafting them yourself. The items you need to purchase are the Novice Soldier Boots (plate), Scholar Cowl (cloth), Mercenary Jacket (leather), and Novice’s Bow (weapon). These items will unlock basic equipment and abilities needed for progression. Equip the items and experiment with their abilities to get a feel for combat mechanics.

Step 6: Completing the Tutorial and Preparing for the Next Phase

As you follow the tutorial, make sure to complete quests and earn silver coins dropped by slain mobs. Before leaving the tutorial island, make sure to farm at least 300 silver to have a sufficient starting fund for future endeavors. Additionally, when prompted to light a signal fire, do not step into the doorway or circle as it will prevent you from returning to the tutorial island, and there are still important tasks to complete before leaving.

Step 7: Managing Inventory and Crafting a Stone Hammer

Once you return to the town, visit the makeshift repair station and salvage any tier 1 items you no longer need. This will provide you with random materials that can be useful in the future. Repair all your equipment to ensure it is in good condition. Next, head to the makeshift tool maker and craft a Beginner’s Stone Hammer.

Step 8: Unlocking Tier 3 and Advancing Through the Snowy Zone

Now that you have the necessary equipment, it’s time to unlock tier 3 abilities and gear. Equip your bow and head to the snowy zone to kill mobs and gain experience. By reaching 20% progression, you will unlock tier 3 and earn a powerful offhand ability. Utilize your bow’s abilities and play strategically to maximize your efficiency in combat.

Following these steps will give you a solid foundation in Albion Online and set you on the path to success. Remember to keep farming silver, continue learning new skills, and explore the vast world of Albion. Good luck on your journey!